🔪" stargazing "

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a/n: hey uh this suggestion ( image above ) was made by @number-1-butcher-fan so ty flippy ily /p !!! also srry im done w/ this just now i had writerz block 😁 but nevertheless itz here now so ‼‼‼ passez away immediately


In the middle of the night, on a ship near the docks, The Butcher Gang stood there in the front of the ship, staring at the stars. It was something all of them enjoyed, it was relaxing.

" Ay ! " Barley said, pointing to a constellation in the sky. " That's uhh ..... Cassiopeia ! Right ? " Charley turned to him. " No, you dunce ! It's Ursa Major ! " He knew a lot about constellations. Stars, in general. Out of the three, he was the most interested in them. He never talked about it around other people, though. He wanted to put on an intimidating front for other people. Although he loved talking about it to his fellow gang members. They were always good listeners.

Edgar didn't say anything, he just turned his head to face the other two. While they were just standing there, commenting about the night sky, he never felt as close to them before until now. He had always been confused about how exactly he felt towards the two. They were ..... friends, in a way. But he doubted that he felt that way about them, at times. Nevertheless, he still felt comfortable around Charley and Barley.

As he was lost in thought, he moved his hand over to Charley's and grabbed it. Charley suddenly stopped talking and looked down, his face turning a deeper shade of gray. " Ermm .. Edgar ? " Edgar turned his attention to Charley's hand in his, causing him to squeak and drop his hand. " Oh my lord I'm so sorry boss ! I didn't mean to ... I mean I wasn't paying attention ..... I- " He was cut off by Charley. " It's okay ! It's okay Edgar. " He responded.

After that, they sat in silence for a while. A few seconds later, Charley took Edgar's hand once more, along with Barley's, surprising them both. Edgar squeaked again, before returning back to silence. After a bit of thinking though, he finally decided to speak up. " Uhm ... fellas ? " He squeaked out. The other two looked towards his direction. Edgar was going to confess to the others about how he feels about them. While he was still a bit confused about it, he was almost entirely sure that he was in love with the two. These feelings had also made him question his preference. He had tried dating before, but the relationships never ended up good and he never really felt like he was fully committed to the girls. Meeting Charley and Barley and joining the gang had made him really consider that he might not like girls at all, and that he might prefer dating multiple people at a time.

" Edgar ? What is it that you wanna tell us doll ? " Charley had snapped him out of his thoughts. " Oh, yeah, uhm ... " His face started to get hot. He tightened his grip on Charley's hand. " W-Would you guys be mad at me if I told you I might be ... " He stopped for a second. " .. Go on. " Barley said. Edgar continued. " ... That I might .... prefer seeing more than one person at a time ?? And that I ... might not like girls ??? " Charley and Barley were silent for a moment. Charley then piped up. " Why of course not darling. " A small smile formed on the spiders face as his cheeks started to grow a darker shade of gray. He decided to continue. " So also .... what if I said that I ..... might have feelings for the both of you ? " Once again, the three grew silent. " So ... whaddu you say ?? " He continued. This time, Barley decided to speak. " Of course, lass ! " He said with a small chuckle. " .. Really ?? " Edgar's face was now a dark gray. " Well why not, dear ? It's not like we didn't know. " The spider squeaked.

The three would continue to stare at the stars until they all started to get sleepy. None of them really knew where exactly their relationship would go from there, but at the time, they were just happy to have each other.


a/n: this chapter made me think of can we pretend that airplanez in the night sky r like shooting starz also this sounded way better in my head explodez anywayz theyre so awkward and gay i h8 them slash pos

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