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i'm gonna make all of my authors notes bold for funsies LMAO

this story is in jeremy's pov!
warnings: lime?? idk it gets kinda spicy

anyways enjoy!!!!!!


It's so cold inside the parts and service room that I can't feel my fingers. They shake as I reach for my toolbox, getting ready to start repairing Foxy. This is the fourth time this week that the kids have torn the poor fox apart, turning him into a mangled mess. I don't understand children. What is the fun in tearing apart this poor thing? It only makes my job harder. I'm never having kids.

"At this rate, I might start just leaving you like this." I say.

The animatronic just stares at me, broken and tangled. I don't know why I expected a response, but part of me thinks that they are alive, with some sort of soul inside that can speak to me.

"You do know that won't fix itself, right?"

I turn to the doorway to see Fritz standing there, arms crossed and looking back at me with a smirk on his pretty face. I smile back and laugh.

"Y'know, I think we should just leave him like this. A rebrand, if you will!" I say jokingly, earning a huff out of him.

Fritz walks into the room and kneels down next to me. He runs a hand over the head of the mess in front of us. His knee brushes against mine and suddenly I am aware of how close he is to me. I look over at him, but he is fully focused on Foxy. I watch his eyes trail over the endoskeleton in an intense focus.
I wish that he would look at me like that...

Shit! Did I say that out loud? I instantly felt my face heat up, and silently thanked the room for being so dark. Fritz had turned to me and looked slightly confused. I'll just play it off, maybe he didn't hear me?

"Oh, just wish it would fix itself so I could get out of here."

"Well, I don't see it doing that any time soon." He sighs.

Thank God I pulled that off, that would have been AWKWARD! (lmao im sorry)

"I really do think a rebrand could be good though, like imagine how much easier that would be." I propose, looking back down at Foxy. "Like, consider: Mangle, the take-apart animatronic!"

"Mangle?" Fritz questions, looking at me with his eyebrow raised

"Yeah, because they are a mangled mess of endoskeleton and shell."

He lets out a low chuckle and I stop breathing. WHY WAS THAT HOT???

"I mean, I guess that could work. But just don't tell Phil, he might not like it."

Fritz gets up and offers a hand out to me, which I take and stand next to him. I notice that he doesn't drop my hand right away, and my breath hitches for a second. I think he definitely noticed, but when I look up I see him looking back at Foxy - or should I say Mangle, - studying her once again. Once again, I think of his eyes running down my body like that. His hands following my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips searching my face for my own pair, landing on them. These thoughts come too often, and I can't stop them. I don't want to stop them. I want them. I want him.

"Jere? Earth to Jeremy."

I snap out of my mind and back to real life, seeing Fritz's hand waving in front of my face. I shake my head and laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry, just thinking."
"I hope it was about what we are going to be doing for the next hour, because we can't leave until Joan gets here."

I wish we could do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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