Chapter 4

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"Shoto" A voice called out making the young Todoroki visibly tense up. Y/n turned around to see the number 2 hero "oh hey flaming mustache!" She smiled

Endeavor eyes twitched in annoyance "is this your so called master?" 

Todoroki said nothing but he was ready to defend his Master if needs to be. Y/n oblivious to the menancing tone, just smiled and point at herself "yeah that's me"

Endeavor tched and looks her up and down "This weakling is your teacher Shoto? Have you lost your mind?" He scowled

"Don't underestimate master because she is a hundred times more stronger than you" Todoroki growled

"Are you the one that kept bugging Todoroki about his training with me?" Y/n asked remembering the continuous text when she looked through Todoroki phone.

Ignoring Y/n question he said "Let's duel. If you actually manage to defeat me then I won't interfere with you training Shoto anymore" 

Y/n thought for a second. A duel? Hm... she haven't fight anyone recently so she certainly wouldn't mind a duel! 

"Sure" She smiled and nodded 

Todoroki stared at Y/n concerned "you don't have to do this for me master" He wasn't worried about her but rather worried that she might accidentally kill Endeavor. Not like he cares for that bastard but he knew no matter what she doesn't want any blood on her hands other than monsters blood.

"It's okay, I'll be able to hold back. Hopefully" She whispered the last sentence.

Endeavor just scowled as he heard them, hold back? Yeah right! The only one who would be holding back is him or else he'll beat her up so bad that she'll be in the hospital for a month. 

They had decided to duel in an empty field, per Todoroki request. Y/n just keep smiling as she stretch. 

"Don't hold back" Endeavor said

"You too" Y/n nodded still smiling, she was strangely in a good mood today.

Endeavor attacks first by sending flames toward her, he smirked thinking she was caught up in the flames. He heard a whistle behind him making his eyes widened.

"That's some hot flame right there" Y/n nodded

Endeavor punch her but she somehow manage to avoid it "What the hell" he scowled 

Todoroki, who was watching from the sideline just smirked and stared at his master with pride. Right here and right now, his Master was going to show the bastard who's stronger.

Endeavor kept attacking her as she dodged and sometimes whistle in admiration at his not bad punch. Endeavor is clearly getting annoyed by it "is all you can do just dodge?! Try attacking me coward" 

Y/n give him a close eyed smile "alright" she reel her fist and punch him "serious hold back normal punch" 

Endeavor seriously thought that his life was flashing right before his eyes, luckily Y/n had somewhat decent control and manage to stop her fist before it hits him. 

Strong gust of wind behind Endeavor was the aftermath of her punch, it was so strong that she managed to destroy half of the mountain. 

The flames in his body was put out by her punch. He blinked for a few times as Y/n retreated her fist from his face.

"Hey you good there?" Y/n asked concerned, she didn't killed him right?

"What... the... fuck" Endeavor mumbled, he look behind him and his eyes widened at the sight of the destroyed mountain 'this power... exceeds even Allmight!' He thought.

He look towards her in seriousness "Marry my son! If you produce a child, that child will be strong" 

Y/n was taken back by this "uh... what? No thanks, it's weird marrying my disciple" she said looking at him in disgust before walking towards Todoroki and holding his hand "we're done here right? Let's get udon Todoroki" 

Todoroki smiled at his master and nodded, he lets her dragged him 'I might never become as strong as you master but no matter what I'll be by your side even if the world turn its back on you' he thought, staring at Y/n back in adoration. Truly his Master is the kindest and the strongest. 

They left Endeavor behind who looks dumbfounded at the fact that she rejected his offer and stupefied at the destroyed mountain. 

Endeavor took a picture to show it to Nezu, he was the all knowing rat bear creature so he must've known something about her. Such quirk must never get in the hands of the villains. 

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