Support- Part 19

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oh god I'm so bad at keeping tracks on my updates. I'm so sorry it's been close to a month since I update :/ I've had so much coursework And I've got my 2 other fics! I'm so sorry but here's an long ( well for me anyways) update :) THANKS FOR THE 100 VOTES BTW! :D 

Nathan's pov

"Max!" I hissed.

Max shook his head in disbelief and scratched his shaved head. It was clear how nervous he was by the way his hands were shaking slightly and how he was chewing on his bottom Lip. I turned to Jay who watched his friend with the same concern as I did.

"But- But I don't understand. You two can't be together. This can ruin the whole band, we all know nothing lasts forever and this is bound to end badly." Max met my eyes.

"Hey! That's not fair, How can you let Tom and Kelsey Who May I remind you are the two most destructive people I know be together and not accept us!" Jay shouted. I rested my hand softly on his upper arm in an attempt to calm him.

"That's different." Max uttered.

"How?" I said calmly.

Max's gaze was burning holes through my eye sockets now.

"because they're normal."

I felt a slight shock enter my system, and my heart felt heavy. Ouch. Beside me I felt Jay pull away from my soft hold and square up Max.

"How dare you. How dare you suggest because we're two men not a man and a woman that this isn't normal. Do you know how homophobic you sound!? Don't you think we're scared to! This is hard for us you know!" Jay spat in Max's face.

I stepped forward and pulled at Jay's arm.


He shook me off, Fury burned in his eyes but there was that glint of betrayal.

"Jay. But look at you two, You say you're serious but when it comes to telling your family and your friends and your fans. What do you think will happen? That you'll all live happily ever after? No. The media will have a frenzy, Management will go crazy. The fans, well we know we have about 22,000 completely loyal ones but what about the rest? We could lose everything because of this." Max's face fell with sadness and dismay.

Jay suddenly pinned Max against the wall and you could see the anger running through his body, His veins were surfacing in his arm from the pure energy he's taking into pushing Max roughly against the wall.

"Jay stop." I said pulling him away from Max and into my arms. He threw his arms around my frame and we stood in silence in front of Max hugging.

"I'm scared." Jay whispered into my ear.

"I know, So am I." I replied and over Jay's shoulder my eyes met Max's.

"I'm not saying I won't support you but I need time to process what's going on. I need to get away for a bit. I booked you two a flight to The Canary Islands. It leaves tommorow. I've told management Jay had a bit of a breakdown and you two need to get away. There shouldn't really be many fans there so it'll be nice for you two, to sort whatevers going on out and decide for definite if this is what you truly want." And with that Max placed the two tickets on the side table and just left the flat.

Jay sighed and pulled away from my arms, he sat down on the sofa and looked up at me.

"Well... At least it should be a bit of fun, ei?"

I smiled and sat down across Jay's lap so my head was resting in the crook of his neck.

"yeah, it'll be good to get away."

I snuggled further into Jay's body and he wrapped his arms around me. And in this moment I forgot why I was worried or scared or upset or angry. I was dwelling in these seconds, in this minute or so because nothing else mattered for now. Just me and him...

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