Part 3 - Heavy

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Jay's pov

How Do i respond to something like that?! I couldn't stop the thoughts, everything was buzzing in my head ...

Is that why he always stuck by me?

Is that why he always chose to share room's with me?

Did he have any 'other' thoughts about me?!

That's probably why , when we all moved out he asked me to get a flat with him!

It all just built up in my mind, I felt bad for feeling like that But I couldn't change that feeling no matter how hard I tried. I buried my head into the pillow and groaned loudly "Fuck." I hissed , I knew in this situation I was going to look like a bad guy, But where's the change there! It was then I found myself crying , tears of anger perhaps? Or maybe it was because I was likely to lose my best friend , and that upset me.

What seemed like hours passed before I heard light footsteps, He was finally coming upstairs , I heard the treads across the hallway before the light tap of his door hitting it's hinge. I stopped and just listened at first it was just cluttering then shuffiling. But soon I heard gentle almost silent sobs, That really got to me because I knew I couldn't just strut in there and be like "Here's my shoulder to cry on!" Because the atmosphere would be different...awkward and i couldn't be his shoulder because I was the reason he needed one.

I decided to try and forget today's events for the time being and dive into the #TWfanmily 

Twitcam anyone?              124

Instantly a rush of tweets and spam hit my Profile. I felt a smile begin to widen it's way across my face As I scanned the tweets. I set Up the cam and clicked 'stream live'

And we're on!         127

"Can you see me?" 

Well there's my answer , 568 viewers already, This shows how loyal our fans are! 

I began to flick through twitter and just check everyone had got the message that I was doing a twitcam, I didn't want anyone to miss out and as I was 

Nathan Sykes @NathanTheWanted

I'm exhausted and My evening hasn't exactly gone to plan #Ouch 

 A wave of guilt rushed over my body..../

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