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Riley Jane's P.O.V

It's already 4 o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the hospital where my boyfriend was confined for 3 months now.

I came from a birthday party before I got here that's why I arrived here late than the usual.
My birthday party to be exact'

Usually,I'm already here before 1 o'clock in the afternoon checking on him.

As I am walking across the lobby, some familiar faces greeted me.
I did just smile on them.

I headed towards the elevator and went inside.

My boyfriend's room is located in 7th floor so I had to use an elevator.

Good thing is there's no one inside the elevator except me.
I pressed the number 7 button and waited in the left side corner.

Before the elevator door could close, someone hurriedly went inside.
A guy in a formal suit entered the elevator and pressed the number 7 button also.
I can't see his face cause he's wearing a cap but his body built is somehow familiar to me.
I think I already saw him somewhere but I just can't tell where to be exact.
He stood right next to me as the elevator door went closed.

After a few seconds, the elevator reached the 7th floor and the elevator door went open.

The guy came out first before me.

I headed towards room 709 and went inside.
Upon entering, I saw Gabrielle's Doctor checking on him.

"Good afternoon Dr. Quizon " I greeted him while putting my shoulder bag in the couch.

"Good afternoon, Riley" he greeted back while still checking Gab's condition.

I walked near Gab's bed and sat on a chair beside it.
He's  becoming more pale day by day.

"Is there any progress with his condition, doc?"
A single drop of tear escape in my eyes.

I miss this guy.

"He's still in a comatose state, Ri"
Placed his things on the table.

The doctor looked at me with a questioning look.
"It's unusual for you to come here at this hour, specially with that outfit.
You attended something, haven't you?" He asked while raising his right eyebrow.

I looked at him and sighed.
"It's my birthday today Doc. Honestly speaking, I really don't want to have a birthday celebration today but my family insisted. I'd rather spend my day here in the hospital watching Gab than to  celebrate my birthday without the the man I love the most" I can't stop my tears from falling while saying those lines.

He smiled shyly.
"Oh, I'm sorry I totally forgot that your birthday is today, Ri"

I wept all my tears away and smiled at him.
" It's okay Doc, I completely understand"

He walked towards my direction and hugged me.
"Hush now Ri, I can't blame you or your family, they just want to see you happy"

"Thank you, kuya"

Yes, Dr. Quizon is my boyfriend's older brother.
He knows how much i love his younger brother.

AFTER chitchatting a little, Dr. Quizon already bid his goodbye cause he needs to visit his other patients.

After he went outside, I dialed Lacy's phone number and asked if she could come and look over on Gab for a few hours. Gladly, she agreed and told me that she will be here in a bit.

After 20 minutes of waiting, I heard someone knocked on the door and Lacy went inside.

She hugged me and we talk a little bit before i bid my goodbye on her.

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