chapter 2

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i woke up to someone shaking me as i slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes i had to look around for everything to sink in where i am,

"miss i need you exit the bus we are here in st liberty" the bus driver said as he realised i looked confused for a second and then i saw sympathy in his eyes as i got up groaning, i know why as i haven't used the first aid kit yet to clean myself up i bet i look worse in the day light then last night when i saw my reflection in the window of the petrol station.

" thankyou" i replied to him as i slid past him to get to the exit and avoided eye contact while pulling my hood over my head. when i stepped off the last step of the bus onto the fresh grass i inhaled a lot of air and closed my eyes feeling weight slightly lifting off my shoulder, it looked like a small town that everyone knows everyone, quiet and friendly not many people walking round but the people that are look cosy and happy.

i looked around to find a shop and place to get a drink and maybe a bathroom to clean my self up with the limited clothes and items i had packed in my back pack and shoulder bag, i felt disgusting and out of place, walking down the street i saw a bar on the corner that look like it needed some TLC the paint on the window frames was peeling off because of the heat, the faded white brick walls had stains all over them where drinks have probably been spilled by drunk assholes who cant control there selves or liqueur.

i stood there for a while then huffed as i walked towards the worn out double brown doors , i could smell the smoke of cigarettes, booze and sweat before opening the door i was doubting my decision but carried on opening door that was unlatched on one side.

"you can do this, wall up, focus" i said to myself as i walked towards the bar, the atmosphere went from happy mode to awkward in 10 seconds of being in the building, everyone was quiet and stared at me, yep this awkward and such bad idea but i had to sort myself out and use the bathroom.

"hi, umm can i have a water please and where's your bathroom" i asked trying to be confident but i bet it sounded more deflated and nervous.

"here you go darlin, and looks like you need one of these " he replied. he sounded friendly with a deep voice he had kind eyes with thick bushy dark brown eyebrows. he looked in his 50's with shoulder length white/grey hair with dark grey streak going through it, he didnt have too much wrinkles but they were there, he had brown eyes that could tell many tales through his life.

i smiled at him and said thankyou he smiled back and carried on cleaning glasses. i looked down at the water and then the brown liquid in a short glass next to it, it smelted like whiskey so i just downed it hating the burning sensation going down my throat but it warmed my belly up.

"thankyou for the drink" i smiled while lifting the glass up " where's the bathroom" i asked again as i think he didn't here me the first time.

he stopped what he's doing and grabbed a key off the side "here, take your time and ill get you another drink" i just nodded at his gesture and grabbed my stuff while heading straight to the bathroom.

i opened the door and the first thing i see is my reflection in the mirror my markings and cuts on my face are worse than i thought, I'm surprised no one has screamed at my swelled up face and bloody blonde hair so i rushed to get the first aid kit out my bag and some scissors deciding i need a new hairstyle just in case. scrubbing my face and hands and wiping antibacterial wipes on my cuts and bandaging my hand up. i cut my hair into a shoulder length bob , washed it in the sink and changed my clothes threw my old ones in the bin. when i was finished i looked better then before i just look like i got in a cat fight then a abusive fight where i wasn't strong enough.

i gathered all my stuff and walked out the bathroom toward the bar again and see the glass i emptied has now been refilled, i shook my head because the way i looked before would make anyone give them a stiff drink to drown there sorrows and have a self pity party.

"all okay now?" he said as i was sitting back down

"yeah thankyou and thanks for the refill didnt know i needed it till now"

"welcome, name is bill" bill, he suited bill i liked it

"my name is Devon" replied with a smile, i feel like i could talk to him, he looks like a grandad figure in my eyes who i could lay my head on and cry all my pain away

"well Devon, never seen you before in this town, what brings you here" he questioned i didn't know how to reply so gave him a short answer

"just passing through i need to give someone something who live around here apparently"

"well what's her or his name i might know him or her" i thought about it for a minute then replied "Michael Eastbourne"

"yeah i know him he comes in here everyday with his club"

"club?" i asked confused Michael never mentioned any club maybe he just recently joined one as i haven't spoken to him for a while.

"yeah your find out soon enough, this building here is owned by the club its a private bar but don't worry i wont kick you out"

well that's news i was not expecting at all and now i know why people were staring at me when i come in, oops. i took my drinks and bags and sat in one of the booths at the back of the bar, sipping my whiskey this time, still pulling faces but i got use to the burning sensation.

I've sat in the bar for an hour looking for a motel on my phone in this town and if any are available but couldn't find anything in short notice as this place only had one motel and it was fully booked , great now what. i started to look around at the people that were already in here when i heard the front door slam open there were loads of laughter i heard like someone told them a really funny story. i didn't want to get noticed so i put my head down and looked through my phone. after a while at looking at my phone i heard foot tapping on the sticky floor so looked up and saw him.

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