chapter 7

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sitting in his office on the sofa cradling a glass of whiskey in my hands that Michael gave me to bring my confession forward even tho Michael sat opposite me and said nothing i knew he wanted to talk serious just by his eyes but i needed him to talk confess first about why he abandon me when i was younger and never contacted me again so all i could say was "why", that made him huff and run his hands over his face because he knew what i was asking .

"i didn't want to but your parents hated our bond, thought i was bringing bad behaviour into the house and your dads friends were asking who i was and of course he was embarrass of the black sheep of the family he wanted me gone so he black mailed me in staying away, i cant say what it was, all you need to know is that i was heart broken it felt like i lost my daughter that i would never see her again. but when it came to your 19th birthday i wanted you live with me away from your parents as i knew they were making you into there little perfect puppet so that's why i sent you the card"

i didnt know what to say yes he was correct about being there puppet to show off and i would of drowned in it all if i stayed there any longer, i understand how cruel my parents can be to get what they want as i literally had a hand across my cheek if i was out of order but how did he know i would come not knowing the reason behind it all.

as i let the information sink in i downed my drink in one shot, it wasnt that bad this time round then a beer was handed to me, it smelt disgusting but when i took a sip it didnt taste that bad maybe i could get use to this every once in a while as i wasnt a big drinker 'only one drink with dinner and thats it' my mother use to say when i was 18 one was enough not to effect you or embarrass you HA what a load of shit.

"okay now your turn i know its hard but im concerned i need to know the details who done this to you and made you all paranoid and shaky"

great here goes nothing i thought to my self as i took a big swig of beer into my mouth for some extra courage to tell my story. i started by explaining how i met bradley edwards, how my family approved of him straight away and how i couldnt stand to be near him alone.

" so on my 18th birthday the present he gave was a set of keys to a brand new house he brought for us to move in together straight away with a engagement ring attach to the box, everyone was looking at me so i had to say yes, mum basically ran to my room and threw all my stuff into a suitcase and shoved me through the front door with him. i regretted it all but as a perfect daughter i had to comply to it as it was another part of my routine. i moved in and we made a deal to only act like we love each other infront of everyone but when alone we avoid each other and do what we want. that worked for about 2 months then all of a sudden he started coming home demanding dinner cooked for him everything a good house wife would do. i followed the rules and the demands til he started coming home drunk with different women" i could her my voice start to crack when i think back to this part of my distant memory and tears start to fall it was getting difficult to breath. michael just stared a me with pitty in his eyes and sadness also i tiny bit of regret in them as well, i drank the rest of the bottle and carried on.

" he use to tell sluts he picked up on a night out to ignore me as i was no one then he would demand me to stay in the room while he fucked them in front of me i felt sick but knew i had to listen to what he wanted, one day i refused his command so he dragged me to the bedroom by my hair and forced me sit and watch him by tying me up to the pipes of the radiator and they were hot . i couldn't take it so i tried to tell mum about it and she called me a brat and said i should give myself to him to stop the girls coming over but i wasn't gonna do that no way after that i never heard from my parents again, i was alone".

by this point of the story i was shaking in fear i even had a cold sweat going on it felt like i was going to throw up but Michael stayed quiet to let me finish.

" so after my 19th birthday he demanded me to have sex with him and i said no, i wasn't gonna give myself to him i would rather die i told him so he he just stomped over to me and punch me till i was i near passing out. i knew i would be dead if i stayed so i grabbed the birthday card you gave me and came here".

when i finished telling my depressing life story i was a cradling my legs balling my eyes out feeling the pain where every mark is placed on me.

i looked up to michael and saw tears and anger forming in his eyes then all of a sudden he came over to me cautiously and hugged me still saying nothing to me about my story i didn't want him to i just needed to feel safe and that everything is gonna be ok.

after a while we pulled apart and he slightly smiled before telling me I'm safe no one is gonna hurt me now and im family, i wanted to believe that i truly did but the only person i trusted was him and by the looks of it he had a lot of friends living here that i dint know so i knew i couldn't stay here permently but my uncle didn't need to know that yet. i knew he would come and find me and hunt me down dragging me home, no one would be able to stop him, i just pray i can get away before he turns up.

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