Chapter 21

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Yay! Update! read the author's note again please

Happy reading!


Amber's POV

I lazily hop off my bed, I didn't even bother taking a bath cause I know the water will be cold. I slipped in my black tank top, and sweats. I wasn't going anywhere, cause I was packing up for my trip to New York. We were leaving on Sunday, yeah I'm going to New York with my 7 cousins and Aunt. Fun right, I couldn't complain cause my Aunt was paying for the trip.

I packed most are my shorts and sweatshirts cause I know I won't easily get to college when I arrived there. After packing I took a shower, I changed into my white tanks top and jean shorts with a cardigan cause I was going grocery shopping. Aunt Mae gave me 200 dollars for shopping.

I went downstairs, taking my phone and purse with me I locked the front door and walked to Walmart. The first thing that came to my head is ice cream. That would be perfect. After grocery shopping, I went straight home. I didn't change I turn on the tv and watched Netflix. Eating ice cream till my doorbell rang. I mentally groaned. I dragged my feet to open the door. It was the last person who I thought would come here.

''Kim?'' I said shocked ''Hey you look good!'' she hugged me. ''Thanks?'' I said ''Why are you here? Who did you find me?'' I chuckled nervously. I don't know why I was nervous. ''Mom told me. And I just wanted to hang out.'' she smiled ''Oh okay come in.'' I said opening the door for her. ''Thanks. nice house.'' she said looking around and she sat down on my couch. ''Spongebob? Really?'' she laughed ''Yeah. I'm lazy right now.'' I sat down beside her. We ended eating ice cream and being lazy.''Are you excited to got to New York?'' she asked ''Yeah I guess?'' It almost turned out to be a question.'' What?'' she said

''I guess so.'' I looked down. ''Why do you look so sad?'' she said in concern ''Well Harry is also going to New York.'' I said ''That's great!'' she cheered ''Yeah.'' I looked down ''Why? Don't you want Harry to come? He's your boyfriend right? I'm sure what you said yesterday that you two weren't dating was a lie. And the way Harry looked at you, he looks like you're the only girl in the world.'' she smiles at me. I blush. Wait what? ''Aw! you're blushing. You love him don't you!?'' she squealed ''I don't know Kim.'' I smiled ''Just tell him you love him.'' she hugged me. I don't know if he still loves me.

Me and Kim talked a little then she left cause her mom needed her to look out for the boys. I cooked myself dinner. I wanted Harry to come by but I think he was busy. My phone rings. please don't be Harry. I took a deep breath and looked at my phone.


can I come over? x

I don't know. My fingers started typing on it's own. shit.



Why did I do that. I won't him to come over but I was just ignoring him as possible, but who could ignore Harry? The doorbell rings, that was fast. I walked towards the door looking at Harry wearing a black button up shirt with heart prints on it and skinny jeans with boots. ''Styles.'' I nod ''Collins.'' he placed his hands on my waist. I looked down on my bare feet. Yeah him holding me is the best feeling ever. ''I cooked dinner, and I can't finish it all by myself.'' I whispered ''It's good I came by.'' he laughed ''Y-yeah.'' I whispered-shuttered ''Why are you whispering?'' he dragged me inside not letting go of my tiny waist, I could feel his breathing on my neck. ''Nothing.'' I held his face with both of my hands. He smiles.

We take a seat on the kitchen island stool. I take out the tacos I made and the pizza I bought that I warmed up earlier. I placed it on the table and put two plates. ''You made this?'' he asked pointing at the tacos. I nodded. ''You didn't tell me you could cook tacos.'' he smiled ''I thought you know.'' I whispered again ''Why do you keep whispering? Is someone here?'' he whispered-laughed. I shook my head. ''Then what is it?'' he asked. I sat down beside him and turn my head to him and smashed my lips to his. He deepens the kiss, I could feel him smirking through the kiss.

''Okay.'' he smiled at me breaking the kiss. I looked down blushing. We started eating and talking about random things. ''So? Are you excited to go to New York?'' he asked placing his hand on my thigh. My breath hitched at his touch. I nodded. Wait, ugh never mind. ''Me too.'' he looks into my eyes. ''Can you say something? I want to hear your voice.'' he said holding my face ''Like what?'' I whispered. He hums and smiles at me.

''I miss this.'' he whispers in my ear. I don't know why the hell we started whispering at each other. We were the only people in my house. I didn't get what he said. Does he miss the old us? I miss it too. But why can't I say it in his face.''I-I miss t-this too.'' I shutter a tear falling in my eye. He snap his head at me. ''Really?'' he said in his normal husky sexy voice. I nodded smirking. ''D-do you wanna be back together?'' he asked nervously This is it. Come on Amber open your mouth! I couldn't open my mouth. But I try to.''Yes.'' tears coming out of my eyes I hugged Harry.


''You don't know how happy I am.'' he chuckled and hugged me tighter. ''I think I'm the most luckiest person ever.'' I laughed


I think this the longest I can go. I had to update cause i love you so much. If you guys vote more, I'll add another day to our update days! i'll make it three updates every week. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE. okay!

ahh I love you guys!!!!!!!!

Thank you! see you guys next week. the more you VOTE the faster I'll update and add update dates.



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