Chapter 8.

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Amber's POV


Monday. This is the last time Harry can come over. My dad is coming home tonight or tomorrow.

Boyfriend: hey ur late missy. ;)

Me: argh! Coming ;*

Yesterday Harry just asked me. At first I thought he was asking for something else until he asked me to be his girlfriend. I know it's hysterical but since I met him I knew that I fell in love with him cliché right. But sometimes he could change.

Grabbing my bag and walked to school.

The class bell rang. I quickly went to my class. I first spotted Hazz. I smiled at him.

He smiled back.

I sat down two chairs away from him because the other chair was taken.

"Okay class go to your partners and finish your project it has to be done this afternoon." Mrs. Jones said

I nodded and walked over to Harry.

"Hey," I said

"Hey beautiful," he said kissing my cheek

"Don't do it here," I said looking if someone saw that.

"They don't care,"

I rolled my eyes.

"Did you plan it?"

"This or yesterday?"

"Yesterday," I said holding his hand

"Well I did," he smirked

"Can't wait to get out of this class," I chuckled

"Me too," he cheered

After the class ended I went to my locker.

"Nerd!" Someone shouted

I ignored them

"Hey nerd Harry is just playing with you!" The shouted again

Suddenly it stopped.

"Could you fuck off!" Harry shouted

They all spreaded in different directions.

I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Hey hey Amber don't cry," Harry said

I took a deep breath.

And cast a smile.

He leaned closer and kissed me. His hands on my waist and my arms around his neck playing with his curls.

"My girlfriend is so pretty," he said kissing my head

"And my boyfriend is crazy," I laughed

After the whole tiring day I finally got to sit down on a bench having space.

"Hey, girl that I have benefits on," Harry said sitting beside me

"What are you thinking?" He asked

I shook my head.

"Do you..." I started

"Do you wanna go out?" I asked

"Sure right now?"

"Yeah now I'll go change,"

I walked to my house and so did Harry. When I opened the door all I could see is scattered things in the living room. When I turned around I saw my dad sleeping on the couch with a beer on his hand and a cigarette on the other.

I guess I can't go out with Harry. I wanted to text him but if my dad sees me I'll be dead.

I quickly ran to my room and absolutely quite so that he couldn't hear.

I pulled out my phone and texted Harry.

Me: my dads here

Boyfriend: did he hurt u?

Me: not yet.

Boyfriend: we can't hang out

Me: I guess not I gtg

Me: don't text me yet

Me: he'll catch me if he finds me texting okay?

Boyfriend: okay

Boyfriend: I love you Ambs

Me: me too.


I changed into my large white tee shirt and black leggings.

As I was going downstairs I heard someone get inside.

"Put your hands up!"

I gasped and did what he said. It was the police. Thank God.

My dad jumped and got up from the couch.

"You are under arrest Mr. Collins for selling illegal drugs!" the police said

I wasn't suprised that he had been selling drugs. It was normal to me cause he would always let me keep his pot in my room.

"Excuse me who are you?" The lady police said

"A-amber h-he's daughter?" I shuttered

Seriously I was scared as fuck.

"Okay darling don't worry I'll ask you some questions first," she said

I nodded and gulped. In the corner of my eye I could see me dad get his hands on handcuffs and the police took him away.

"Okay, what's your full name sweetheart?" She asked

"Amber Collins," I said



"Do you have any other relatives living in this town?"


"Are you okay living on your own for now?"

"Wait what do you mean for now?" I asked

"The agency is hiring a taker for you," she said

"I'm absolutely fine!" I whined

"But we can't just leave you here,"

She had a point I don't even know how to cook.

I nodded

"I guess it's okay,"

"Great!" She said and patted my back

"And by the way I'm Kelly Brook," she said

"Thanks Kelly," I smiled

All of them left. At the same time I was happy but feeling lonely. I know it's good his already gone. But I can't pay for all of this.

I dialed Harry's number.


So hey guys her dad left I mean he's gone and now guess who will help Amber?

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