Chapter 2: Monastery

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-Great the evils | once that grew, With the dawning sad | of the sorrow of elves; In early mom | awake for men The evils that grief | to each shall bring.-
Chapter 2:

Yet another day which we see smoke on the horizon those the Catholic church call Heathens threaten our borders by every dawn. An unfortunate sight really let Christianity fall but those countless people loosing their lives to defend relics of old a sickening and sad thought indeed. The monastery has done nothing to end their wake. The king of Wessex less so as Mercia late yester evening rang her bells for the last time. Ruined by these pagan Lords who do not know blood from peace. Yet i am quite delighted to say i wish to meet one perhaps they value relics the same way as we do. Within a different culture of course.
"Angelique you foolish girl come here." Lady Dawn quite the bitch if i do say so myself she believes herself to be blessed by God because she can see those who have crossed over. She's the head of many churches here alongside Brother Oswald a thane they instilled as an Elderman to the monastery.
"Yes milady?" My voice sound proper something i have come to hate about this dreaded place a woman was proper whilst a man he was a brute had no place for them in this world what a load of horse radish.
"Have you forgotten to wash the monastery's floors once again?" She spoke with her so called title her voice has always been quite pitchy. Though she is my mother she treats me as an equal to everyone else who is unfortunate enough to be below her.
"I did what you asked of me yesterday." I stated my tone of voice quite sour and irritated by her question she very well saw me kneeling on my knees with a wooden bucket beside my hands with a small brush a useless one but nonetheless it did his duty much as I did. A snort came from her. Only then did Brother Oswald enter the small room he was given to prepare for every Sunday yet today he seemed more deter to seek something he could preach. Perhaps this rising threat caused him to become uneasy himself, perhaps he himself sought a way to calm his very own nerves. Yet the King laid wait he did not dare try to negotiate peace nor did he try to find the reason for these past attacks. A man draped in armor from his head to his toes came in shortly Brother Oswald took his seat he did not seem to take note of me and my mother's presence. His breast plate to the edge of his crouch was decorated by a white mantle and a red cross quite peculiar that all four its sides was equal as oppose to two ends being substantially shorter than its vertical equals. He wore a hood to cover his face although his grey beard could be seen past it his hair held some colour within bit so little. An elderman perhaps sent from another monastery.
"He is from a secret order." My mother claimed once she whispered into my ear. I have a faint recollection of seeing these men before but only a few wandering the square.
"Ahhh Brother Malcolm." Brother Oswald spoke his tone tired and strained seems that he has been calling prayers upon the people of Wessex much more often than he should.
"Oswald have you any news from Mercia."

Brother Oswald sighed what troubled me was the man did not greet him with the same title as Brother Oswald did.
"Sadly the last news I received was Mercia was under siege...and this morn the smoke coming from it."

"I see those Heathens do not know when to stop."

"I agree but what do we do about those pests they plague these lands with no means to leave?"

"The ministry will deal with them you will keep yourself to your very own work this is the Kings wishes." Malcolm declared. From there one could see Brother Oswald's mood decline even more so as he sank back within his wooden chair Malcolm bowed and showed himself out. At the time my mother took me by the arm and made sure we left as well. I recall how my feet barely kept a pace with the woman she seemed to have flown downstairs once we reached it she ordered me to leave the monastery and head to the market to gather some supplies a task meant for the other ladies at hand but it seems she wished me not to be there for some strange reason. No matter a little breather would not harm anyone. I do remember how it was to be a teenager now in my early twenties I wish I did not mention it to my mother that I preferred woman to men. Perhaps I would not have to play slave in the monastery today perhaps....and quite an unfortunate case she would have married me off to that silky Thane from France a bold headed pig. Cares only for riches and sex. Many of those i passed spoke about Mercia how they feared for Wessex. Many times did I wish to tell them that perhaps those so called Heathens had their fill and was heading home. A false truth. Made by my own skin to try and ease not only my mind but those who stand next to me as well. The market was eerie strange to see it so empty and without live besides from the church. The market was the second most popular place in town many merchants stormed this square just to get their very own corner they can set up shop. Quite funny to see this hustle so just to sell their own goods some where stupid, silly. Others made good promise in their craft they sold scarf's and clothing from silk. Jewelry fit for a Queen. Some of them took a goof gamble which paid of at the end to sell fragrances of all kinds. My mother herself purchased a small bottle of rose water not so long ago its smell had been enhanced with a peculiar spice. I chuckled to myself only people from India knew how to brew these and so some of the townsfolk called them witches accused them of conveying with the Devil himself. Alas without any evidence of such a quart taking place the monastery had no reason to trail these poor people whom only sought a live for their own.

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