Chapter 7: God

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-Till my brothers let me | no longer have The best of heroes | my husband to be; Sleep they could not, | or quarrels settle, Till Sigurth they | at last had slain.-GUTHRUNARKVITHA II, EN FORNA

Chapter 7: God.

Angelique stood still for quite sometime seeing Sigurd hold the axe in hand the blood upon her feet and Brother Oswald laying there dead. This sickened her weak heart. Sigurd cleaned the blade against her cloak before she walked toward our poor lass. Just then Angelique seemed to grow wary of her position as a woman without any clothing she was exposed to the winter elements settling in once again. Sigurd went against her teachings removing her cloak she very well knew her hood will fall back with the motion thank Odin for the dim light or Angelique would have seen it all she stared at Sigurd. For one moment the person before her seemed to have become someone else when she killed a man then here and now offering her clothing so Angelique's body could have coverage. Sigurd draped the large piece of clothing over the lasses shoulder Angelique clutched at both ends pulling the the animal hide across her naked breasts and core. She felt ashamed of standing like this in front of a strange man or woman.
"I suppose I should thank you." She said staring at the cobblestone floor.

"There is no need Eathling. Now go to your bedchamber I will see to it that this mess is well taken care of." Angelique could only make haste for her bedchamber once she shut the door behind her did she rest against it her breaths uneasy as her heart was leaving Sigurd behind to deal with the mess she made. Instead of dragging Oswald back to his bedchamber she left him in a abandoned part of the monastery writing a letter in which he so called states of his drunken self and how he has no will any longer to serve God. So he decided to set a light one of the monasteries towers after the note had been sighed by Sigurd she nailed it to Oswald's bed leaving the man to burn in the holy house of his father Jesus Christ. One could hear how the nuns and Angelique's mother yell at one another, as their cries for help fell upon a deathly ear once the young lass's head struck her beds pillow she fell right to it a deep sleep took a great hold over the young girl. At the time Angelique did not notice that she was still buried deep within the fur cloak Sigurd gifted her to cover her shame. Sigurd in turn made for her fleet footed friend. Her horse stood in the pasture from whence she had left him grazing on the grass, in the dead of night she gave him a small whistle his ears turned to her.
"Are you going to come or just stare at me Vili?" She asked her tone quite irritable to the ignorance of her companion, Vili with great care set a trot to his owner when she finally managed to mount her stead both sat off. Yet Sigurd did not ride home she took refuge in an old Roman ruin, a tower standing in all its glory but it was broken and turned frail to the elements alas she did not seem to mind of it. Leading her companion through a gaping crack Sigurd set up camp removing her armour and hood from her body, she was tired but could not help to worry over Angelique the sight of her uncomfortable face the way that man undressed her like a whore in a brothel still set her blood a biol. Yet she could not make mind of it Angelique most likely go about her life once she recovers from the shock little did Sigurd know that she was the only thing our church mouse could think and dream of. Bravery or better thus stupidity stared Sigurd in the eyes as she kept her gaze fixated upon the fire in front of her she was playing with a twig questioning what she has seen before she took brother Oswald's life. Setting her gaze toward the stars Sigurd temporarily closed her eyes feeling the hands of her God's upon her soul. After a few moments sitting as she did Sigurd opened her eyes to a dark and brooding world sitting in front of Mimir the guardian of the world tree Yggdrásil.
"What is this?" She asked mesmerized by the sight ahead of her.

"I have come to hear that our Havi paid you a visit." A beautiful and much so breathtaking woman steps from the shadows.


"Do not threat Sigurd the God's have a plan for you we... I only ask of you to head our Havi's words."

"First Odin now you what business do you have with me?"

"Time... I only ask your time and spirit Sigurd soon you will see you are more than you think yourself to be. Your mother Alva sees it so do the God's." Freyja gave Sigurd a small smile before she and her surrounding's shift into that of Angelique for the remainder of the evening the God's had blessed her dreams with nothing more than marry making. Soon after enough one could hear faint wallows and songs from the birds above well hidden within. Vili stomped his hooves against the cobblestone floors calling Sigurd's aid or very well he was trying and failing to wake the sleeping Dane.

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