touch season 1 entanglement (1.05 )

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Jake : four hundred ninety - thousand
babies will be born today. each of them unique, and
each one of them a link in the greater human chain
and the moment their umbilical cord is severed
they'll become an individual with their own hopes,
dreams and desires. but , in fact, each one of us is
actually made up of a dozen systems which, in turn
comprise sixty -trillion cells, and those cells house
countless proteins , DNA organelles . what appears to
be an individual is actually a network , each one of us
is ,in fact , a living , breathing community, but it
doesn't stop there. why would it ? every individual
hope you harbor, every dream you attain, every desire
you fulfill has an impact far greater than you can
imagine. at least that's how it looks from where im

Jake: the threads that connect us are notbound by space and time

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Jake: the threads that connect us are not
bound by space and time. what seems to the
individual like a twist of fate, from another
perspective is simply one of those threads pulled
tight. how things should have been all along. and
even when those threads seem irreparably frayed,
they never break- not completely. but sometimes
the most important connection is here and now.

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