{Dialtown} Dinner Date (Female!TypeGingi x Karen)

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An- This was requested by BlueberryandHazelnut
Been waiting for an excuse to make Dialtown content since finishing it lmao
And lesbian stuff is my SHIT

Karen hoped that her date wouldn't be too long.

After a year... she was back in Dialtown. And she missed, weirdly, TypeGingi.

They were a really strange cryptid, laid eggs, green skin, a head made out of god knows what- and 6, well tits-

Yet... she always couldn't help being intrigued with her .

She, was sweet. Kind, helped her when needed. Stubborn but usually for a good reason, and protective.

She also understood her better than anyone else, allowed her to ramble for hours about her obsessions, to info dump random facts-

She loved that reptile "human" and didn't have too many regrets around her.

.... Well, except for a worry that they wouldn't be allowed in without Gingi wearing, clothes. She sighed, she knew she should've brought a-


She heard a weird voice shout as she was tackled from behind.

Of course, despite Karen only being 5'4, Gingi was 4'11 so she didn't get hurt. Karen would get her off but, that face of pure happiness to see her again made her not have the heart patting her lover.

"Yeah yeah I missed you two." She said, smiling.

.... Then she realized.

"... Your, wearing clothes??"

"Uh yeah? Doesn't most places make me wear clothes to enter?"

She supposes that's right, getting a good look at her dear. She looked, strangely beautiful in a pretty, yet functional, dress with flip flops.
She refused to wear shoes, and honestly she couldn't much blame her.

"You look wonderful Gingi." She, surprisingly, said truthfully, which made typeGingi beam.


"You stole it correct?"

"Yeah of course"

Karen chuckled, taking her lover's hand and walking into the place.

It wasn't very fancy, sure, but for Gingi it was. "Just, try not to draw a lot of attention. I know that's hard but I'll buy you ice cream if you do."

Gingi lit up. "Got it my paper churning mistress!"

Karen sighed Not even, THAT nickname could throw off her good mood. "Alright, need me to read out the menu to you once we get it?"

She happily nodded, Karen making a mental note to at least get her gf to the knowledge of a 5th grader-

MAYBE a 6th grader but she feels that might be pushing her luck.

A phone head sat them and took their drink orders. Lemonade and tea, as it was the only drinks that weren't alcoholic or too sugary to trust Gingi not to blow up some place.

Ice cream was already dangerous enough.

She found herself laughing to her wonderful gf's stories, ignoring the stares of others, and if needed giving a harsh glare which promptly made their stares cease.

Finally their, obviously high, waiter asked what they wanted to eat. Karen chose the most meat filled meal for TypeGingi, and a nice salad with chicken tenders for herself.

She made sure Gingi kept her manners as best as she could, watching as that adorable tail swished back and forth in happiness.

... ok she found her adorable, so what!?

Despite the... oddities {which again she's seen weirder, most of who was either dead or gone by now} she had so many cute things to her.

The fact she purred for one was so coot, her tail, the way she cuddled, the, strange way her typewriter lit up whenever she saw Karen... they were odd but so perfect at the same time.

After they both finished, Karen paid and went to an ice cream stand, buying a vanilla cone and a banana split, handing the cryptid the banana split.

She watched as she happily devoured it, leaning against the printer woman with delight.

'... Adorable...' she thought, waiting till she finished to bring her into a "kiss" (more like head clonk) basically picking up the green one. She watched as a blush crossed her face.

"What, didn't expect me to be so forward?"
Karen teased, petting her listening to the deep rumbles in her chest.

Oh how she loved her weirdness.

"Back to my hotel?" She asked, looking at her give a nod getting off the bench and walking to it.

She felt her "smile" widen seeing her cuddle against her chest as her tail wrapped around Karen's arm.

Never had she been this happy, other then of course when she first got to show her paintings to true artists.

...But hey, this might actually be just a bit better.

As she laid in the soft bed, holding the creechur, she kept up that calm happy smile nuzzling them.

"Your so wonderful, as your mine~" she loved the sleepily blush that crossed Gingi's face, "kissing" her again and slowly drifting off to sleep at the sound of her girlfriend's purrs.


AN: Ok THIS was fun to write.
Fluff fluff and more fluff is always good for the soul every now and then
Hope you all enjoyed!

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