The 'nerdy' girl

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It was a Friday morning and everyone was just getting to school. There was 2 girls who looked to be twins and a boy. The girls were identical but one of them had short shoulder length hair and the other had long, the were not very tall probably about 5'2-5'4, and they both had 80s styled feathered blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. The boy was holding hands with the girl with short hair, he had fluffy brown hair, slightly tan skin, and brown eyes. The sun was just coming up and the sky was a yellowish-gold color. "Ugh why did you want to come to school so early, Delilah?" The short haired girl said, "because I want to have time to go to the library before 1st period" The long haired girl replied, "nerd" the other girl chuckled and elbowed her.

A little while later the long haired girl was in the library, she was laying on her stomach, on the floor. She had picked out a couple of books and spread them out to show a bit of each cover. After a bit of reading she started to giggled and she turned around to lay on her back. Then a boy walked in, he was tall and his skin was russet, reddish-brown, he had black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a red and brown letterman jacket, on the side of the sleeve it said 'Varsity Baseball'. He groaned as he walked in, and started to look around for something. "What are you looking for?" Delilah asked, "oh...uh- a-" the boy hesitated as he was obviously embarrassed, "a 11th grade chemistry textbook" he said avoiding eye contact. Delilah looked around and ran across the library, the boy followed her. She went into the back corner and climbed on the ladder as the shelves were really high, she pulled out a big red book and handed to the boy. "Thanks" he said, "no problem, I'm Delilah!" She said happily and put out her hand to handshake. The boy didn't shake hands but replied, "I'm Theodore, but everyone calls me Teddy" "aw that's so cute! Like Teddy bear" Delilah replied happily. Teddy looked embarrassed and said "No! Not like Teddy bear! Also if you tell anyone I was here you're dead" and he ran out in a hurry, Delilah couldn't help but smile he's kind of cute, she thought.

Delilah was in her second period, chemistry, even though Delilah was a sophomore she's taking chemistry one year early. Her lab partner was her twin sister. Everyone was working on their project. There was a group of boys in the back of the class talking way to loud and just being obnoxious. The teacher walked over to them with her arms crossed looking very stern, and everyone watched as she approached them. "You guys are being way to loud and no one can focus!" She said, "that's not our fault" Teddy replied, "you out of all people should be working on this assignment, Mr. Woods, remember your grades last semester?" She said, "oooo" everyone said, "meet me after class" she finished and walked back to her desk.

After class everyone was leaving, "Delilah are you coming?" Her sister asked, "oh I'll catch up with you alright?" Delilah replied as she was putting all her stuff in her bag. Delilah's twin walked out and Delilah was neatly placing her things in her bag. Her notebook, her sketch book, her color pencils, and a few notes she took on chemistry. "Theodore come here" the teacher said, "Delilah I need to talk to you too" what did I do? Ah! Is this about me making getting a B on that one test!, Delilah thought, anxiously she walked up to the teachers desk.

"So, Theodore you're failing this class, and Delilah you have an A+, so I'm gonna have Delilah tutor you" the teacher said, "yay I get to tutor you, Teddy bear!" Delilah said happily, "ugh don't call me that" Teddy groaned, "you guys can start on Monday" the teacher said.

Delilah walked out and her sister and her sister's bf were waiting for here, "what was that about?" Her sister asked, "oh I just have to tutor someone" Delilah replied, "ew! Who is it?" She asked, "um Theodore Woods" Delilah replied, "ew! He's gross" her sister said and made a disgusted face, "Diana!" Delilah said, and Diana looked up to see Teddy standing in front of her. "Oh uh s-sorry Teddy" she said nervously, "whatever" Teddy replied and looked at Delilah, "hey I just wanted to say-" "hey Teddy stop talking to that nerd and come on!" A boy interrupted, he was across the hall in a group of about 4 other people, "um I gotta go" Teddy said and ran up to the group.

After school, everyone was going home, Delilah, Diana and her boyfriend were all walking out, from afar Delilah saw Teddy, he was leaning against his car, a bunch of people surrounding him. Delilah smiled and yelled "TEDDY BEAR HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!" As she waved. Teddy looked embarrassed and everyone outside looked at them, Teddy's friends started laughing and teasing him. "When did you start being friends with Teddy?" Diana's bf asked, "well now that I'll be tutoring him I thought I might as well be friendly!" Delilah replied with a smile. "Ooo William let's go to the mall!" Diana said to her bf, "sure!" He replied.

They were all at the mall, at the food court. "I'm so hungry, I didn't eat lunch today!" Diana said as she put down her tray and sat down in a booth next to Willam. Delilah and Diana had always been opposites, don't let it full you just because they have the same face. Diana was always the popular, cool, and 'hotter' twin and Delilah was the nerdy, outcast, 'ugly' twin.

It was late evening and the sky was a dark red, "Willy can I come stay the night?" Diana asked her bf, pulling on his sleeve, "sorry babe but my mom said that she doesn't want you to keep coming over" Willy replied, "well you're mom is mean!" Diana said, "sorry, Danny" Willy said and hugged her, "dang I feel like a 3rd wheel" Delilah said and the all chuckled, "goodnight" Willy said.

They walked in the house and in the living room was their mom and dad, their mom had light brown hair and green eyes, their dad had the same blonde hair and brown eyes. They were both yelling at each other back and forth, "where have you girls been?!" Their mom asked, "just hanging at the mall" Diana replied, "with who?!" She asked, "just Delilah and Willy" she said, "ugh that stupid bf of yours!" She said, "ugh you always have to say something about Diana and William! They've been dating since they were 14! Get over it!" Their dad said to their mom. Delilah and Diana just walked to their room, "ugh they need to stop" Diana said as she sat on her bed, "yeah" Delilah said softly as she looked down.

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