Part 13: The big break

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June 2, 1983

It had been almost a year and Teddy and Delilah were doing very good. It was almost the end of the year.

Delilah, Diana, and William were now Seniors and Lucas and Destiny were now Juniors. Teddy was already graduated and working.

Delilah and Diana walked into school together and Destiny walked up to them, "heyy!" She said happily, "hey, Destiny!"
"Are you guys excited! The last day of school is in 2 day!"
"I'm a bit nervous" Diana said, "me too honestly, I'm gonna be a senior next year!"
"I'm really nervous too"
"Oh yeah! Tell Destiny about that!"
Delilah trembled a bit, "well I got a scholarship, but it's for a medical school in New York City"
Destiny's eyes widened, "omg, congrats but what about Teddy?"
"That's what I'm nervous about, and I'm supposed to be leaving next week..."
He eyes widened again, "Delilah!"

Later that day, Teddy had picked up Delilah from school. She got in the passenger seat of his car, "hey" she said, as she put her bag on the floor and put her seatbelt on. "Hey" Teddy smiled, "you excited for our date?" He asked, "of course! It's our 1.58 year anniversary!"

They walked down the street downtown, holding hands. "So where are we going?" Delilah asked, "somewhere very special, just for you!" Teddy replied. He stopped and stood in front of a door. The sign read, "Rollerskating"
"Oh my gosh! Teddy!" She said excitedly.

They walked in and got their roller skates. They sat on the bench and put them on. "Wait!" Delilah said, "we should tie each others like in rom-coms!"
Teddy chuckled and Delilah bent down and tied his skate as she looked up and smiled. He did the same to her.
They stood up and Teddy almost fell over. "Woah! Be careful!"
"Sorry, it's just I don't really know how to roller skate"
"Oh that's okay I can teach you!" Delilah said as she grabbed Teddy's hand and let him to the floor.

He almost falls over again, "alright Push off with one foot and glide with the other until you lose momentum, then switch"
Teddy tried and then tripped and fell. But Delilah quickly caught him and put her arms around him before he fell. "It's okay, just try again!"

They had a lot of fun and after a while Teddy managed not to fall.

After they hung out at Teddy's house. They walked into Teddy's room. "Teddy um, we need to talk about something." Delilah said in a firm tone so he knew she was serious. "Oh okay."
They sat on his bed. "So whats up?"
"So um, you know I'm about to graduate?"
"Well I got a scholarship to a school that offers university and medical school"
"Oh my gosh! That's so amazing!"
"Yeah, um but you see it's in New York..."
Teddy went silent, "oh..."
That's all he said. "How do you feel about that?"

Teddy looks at her and then looks down again. "I- um"
Then Jasper ran in the room. "Teddy, the cops are looking for Delilah!" He said.

They quickly jumped out of Teddy's car and ran up to Delilah's house. They walked in and both her parents and sister were standing at the doorway, Diana holding her one year old son.  "Why did you call the cops!" Delilah said, "do you have any idea what time it is?!" He mother said, "it's almost midnight and you're out hanging out with some boy!"
"Now, now. Why don't we go in the other room?" Delilah's dad suggested, "have a seat Teddy" he added and Teddy sat down on the couch.

"Why do you even care? You don't care about us, you're never even home!" Delilah said, "Delilah you are my daughter! And I'm not going to have my daughter hanging out with some random boy!" Delilah started to get angry, "you're always out with him till late and night! Next thing you know you're gonna end up pregnant like that one over there!"
"Excuse me!?" Diana yelled.
"What do you think we do?!" Delilah replied, "i mean i can only assume the worst! I don't want you hanging out with him!" Her mom said.
"You can't just say that!"
"I can and i did."
"I love him!" Delilah yelled.
Her mother went silent and crossed her arms, "you love him?"
"Yes." Delilah said firmly.
"You are 17 years old, you don't anything about love!"
"And you do?"
She went silent again, "exactly."

Delilah ran out of the kitchen and ran to Teddy. He was already walking outside. "Teddy!"
Tears were rolling down Delilah's face. He ran up to her and wiped the tears off her face. "I'm so sorry" she said, "it's not your fault"
Teddy sighed, "what am i gonna do?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're leaving."
Delilah looked down and sighed, "Teddy..."
"You're going to New York and I'll just stay here doing nothing with my life"
"Come with me then."
Teddy sighed, "what am i gonna do in New York City?"
"Be with me..."
Teddy went completely silent. The only noise was crickets outside. He sighed, "I guess at the end of the summer we can see how it goes"
Delilah stayed silent, "you wanna break up with me...?" She mumbled, "Delilah..."
"I can't believe this..."

Teddy walked away over to his car. "Theodore, if you wanna break up just do it!" She yelled. He didn't say anything, "do it! Say you're breaking up with me!" He didn't say anything at all and just looked at her from his car, "fine! You won't do it I will! Teddy, we're done! We're broken up!"
He still didn't say anything and got in his car and drove away.

Delilah sat down on the porch and cried.

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