Chapter 1

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Seulgi's knife hovered above the woman. Her father told her she was a daughter of a wealthy CEO. That's all she knew about the alpha, other than the fact that her family pissed someone and wanted the girl dead.

Seulgi didn't expect her to look this beautiful. Her face had been strictly hidden to the public's eyes ever since she was born. For a moment, she wondered if she was on the right side, if everything that her father had told her was true. 

Seulgi further pressed the knife to her neck, it doesn't matter what she looked like, innocent or not, she'll make sure the alpha is no longer breathing even before the sunrise. She'd killed countless people, it baffled her why she was hesitating. Her father's commanding voice booms loudly in her head. It managed to wake her up. Just as she was about to cut through the skin, a hand touched her wrist.

Her eyes widened in shock. She was so quiet, her breathing didn't even make any sound.

The woman blinked, staring at Seulgi through half-lidded eyes.


The assassin's body tensed up. 

"Omega." She pulled her closer. Seulgi snapped out of her daze and attempted to pull her hand but the alpha's weak grip became strong. 

Seulgi knew she could flip her and maybe break many of her bones in the process, Seulgi knew that. But why wasn't she doing anything?

This is ridiculous, she doesn't normally function like this. Though right in that moment, she couldn't think of anything other than the strong grip and those appealing lips.

Despite the mask covering her mouth and nose, the woman's heavy scent managed to go past it. It made her knees go jelly, allowing the alpha to swiftly push her on her back while she positioned herself on top of her.

Seulgi supposed this is the right time to panic, this isn't how things should go. Her father would give her a punishment if he knew that she failed the easiest mission she'd ever had. She felt more scared when her body started to heat up. The familiar kind of heat that she despised every time it comes.

The alpha's nose was soon buried on her neck, it made her feel weird. She kicked and thrashed but the raven locked her legs with her own.

"Get off" Seulgi said but even she herself was aware that her resolve was too weak.

The woman looked up, she stared hungrily on her lips. Seulgi couldn't believe what entered her mind when she successfully figured out what was happening. The alpha was in a rut. Great timing. She had to get out of here as soon as possible if she didn't want it to trigger her heat. 

"Don't go" The raven mumbled, her hips grinding against Seulgi's. She locked both of the assassin's wrist with one hand then held her cheek with the other. Seulgi moved her head away. The alpha smiled then traced her cheek with the tip of her finger, hooking the mask with it as she went further down. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a wonder.

As her face goes exposed, Seulgi glared. "I'll kill you."

"We will see." The alpha leaned and licked the omega's bottom lip. Seulgi almost embarrassingly moaned. She can't think straight, her body and mind starts calling for the alpha. This is bad. The warning lights flashing on her head had been ignored as Seulgi stared at the alpha's lips.

The other woman groaned, noticing where she's looking and crashed her lips into hers. Seulgi's toes curled as she reciprocated the kiss. She vaguely remembered the alpha's name being Irene as it mindlessly slipped past her mouth. She felt a tug on her shirt and Seulgi even arched her back to make it easier for the alpha to get it off. 

She intensely stared at her bare front. Irene dived in to bring one of her nipples to her mouth. Seulgi didn't even notice that she wasn't being held anymore when she grasped the alpha's hair, pulling her closer to her chest. She finds herself not caring about the consequences anymore, nevermind her heat, the alpha was just so attractive it made her forget the true purpose of her visit.

Their clothes were soon discarded to the floor. Seulgi felt herself releasing another gush of slick wetness, if the alpha's face was carved into perfection, then so was her body. She kneeled between Seulgi's legs in all her glory, the tip of her cock directly pressed against her slit, she looked dreamy while she stared down at Seulgi.

She kissed her again. It was a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss and Seulgi hugged her neck. The brunette broke it as soon as the head was pushed inside of her, her nails buried on the smooth expanse of Irene's shoulder. It didn't hurt much since she's dripping but God, did it feel so good. Irene was saying something but Seulgi couldn't quite comprehend what it was. 

Soon, the bed was hitting the wall as Irene thrust into her. Seulgi was breathless, there was no filter in her mouth, she speaks everything that comes to her mind. She gasps after a nip on her neck. Irene was quick to enter her mouth with her tongue.

This wasn't what she wanted. It was just her instincts acting up, her nature. That's what Seulgi reminded herself. A complete contrast of the words coming from her own mouth, the words of greed as she pleads for more, voice challenging the volume of skins slapping together and thumps of beds hitting the wall. In the midst of it all, Irene's teeth draw dangerously closer to her shoulder. 

With burning lust and need driving both of them beyond sanity, the night ended with Irene's teeth impaled on the flawless skin.

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