The Dinner (Chapter 2)

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The time Struck 6:00, and I headed down to the basement, and knocked on the door, Larry answered it. "Oh, Y/N! come on in!" he exclaimed happily, I went inside and he lead me to the table. the food Lisa was cooking smelled divine, It made my stomach growl. I sat down at the table, and Larry sat down next to me. I looked at the walls, they were covered in paintings and family portraits, but his dad was nowhere to be found. I decided not to question it, as it may be a sensitive topic. Lisa came in and put the food down, it was (favorite food)! It smelled absolutely heavenly. we ate and talked, then me and Larry hung out in his room, it looked so cool!

"so, uh, you like metal?" he asked

"yes I love metal! Sanity's Fall is my favorite band!"

"Really? me too! I have a lot of their music." he replied excitedly

We rocked out to some of their music, Painted together, got paint everywhere, and told jokes! He's really funny. we ended up watching a bunch of horror movies and true crime documentaries and played Mario. it was the most fun I'd had in years, for some reason I didn't want it to end. I didn't realize what time it was and checked my phone. it was 12:00 AM, I panicked, dads not going to be happy.

"oh shit, I got to go I'm sorry Larry!"

I grabbed my stuff and made a swift exit to my apartment. by the smell of alcohol and sadness I could tell he was home.

**TW: ABUSE I will let you know when its over**

I made my way in as quietly as possible, but dad still saw me, and he wasn't happy.

"where the FUCK have you been!?" he screamed

"I-I was at a friends house..."

he walked over to me, towering over me.

"we just fuckin moved here you don't have friends."

he raised his hand to hit me, I flinched and closed my eyes. then, I felt something hit the top of my head and break. he broke his beer bottle over my head! then he slapped me across the face.

"go to your fuckin room."

I did as he said, because I knew if I didn't I'd have 2 black eyes and a broken nose. I laid down in my bed, slightly lightheaded, and I got a text. it was Larry. I forgot I gave him my number


"hey, I had fun tonight. hang out again tomorrow?"

"yeah of course!" I put my phone on the charger and went to bed.

**The next day**

I wake up and go out to the kitchen to get something to eat, I open the fridge to, as per usual, Nothing but beer bottles, my dad passed out on the couch with the tv on, surrounded by beer bottles. The house reeks of alcohol and shame. I get ready for work, grab my money before dad finds it, and I leave to work.

**8 hours later**

I come home to the house completely ransacked, no sign of my dad anywhere except the empty bottles scattered around. "I'd better clean this up before he gets back, assuming he doesn't stay out all night" I think to myself. I clean the entire apartment, throwing away all the bottles and joint ashes, and spraying air freshener everywhere, then I remember, I told Larry we'd hang out again today. I check my Phone to see another text from Larry;

"Hey can I come over to your place today? Moms a little sick and I got some special gummy bears from Todd's parents that we can share if you want."

"Sure, my dads not home right now."

"alright I'm on my way"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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~A metalhead Romance~ Larry Johnson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now