Chapter 3 - Zero Clues

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After visiting the morgue and not finding anything new, Dean, Sam and Emery were in a motel room doing research. The victim’s heart was missing but there wasn’t a single scratch on his body other than that.  It almost seemed like the attacker went to great lengths to make sure the Collins wouldn’t get hurt.  Other than of course, ripping his heart out.

Emery was studying a book on ancient symbols to make sense of the symbols they found in the circle with the body, Dean was digging up the victim’s history to see if anything shady came up, and Sam was researching the history of the house and the town.

Emery suddenly closed the book with a thud.  Her words came out in exasperation.  “I got nothing that makes sense.  Most of the symbols we found have a history but nothing that makes sense with all of them together in a circle.  The only thing I know for certain is that this,” Emery held up a printout of a photo taken at the scene with a bunch of symbols, “means First in Greek.  These symbols were carved right in the middle of the circle.”

“First… So does that mean there’ll be more of these?”  Sam had that very familiar lost-puppy look.

Sighing, Emery answered, “Your guess is as good as mine.”

“There’s nothing unusual about the house either.  Greg built it himself five years ago and has been the only one living in it ever since.”  Both Emery and Sam looked at Dean hoping he’d have something.  When he didn’t say anything, Sam inquired, “Dean?”

“Yeah, there’s nothing about Greg that could link him with anything weird.  The guy has a clean record.”

“So we’re still standing exactly where we started?” Sam’s disappointment mirrored Dean and Emery’s.  They had spent hours trying to make sense of what was going on but hadn’t found a single relevant clue.

“Seems like we’re gonna be here for awhile.” Emery wasn’t expecting to be done in one day, but this case was turning out to be worse than she had imagined.  Nothing made sense.  Standing up and stretching her legs, she added, “I’ll book a room.” 

“Really?! I thought we were gonna have a pajama party and paint your nails!”

Dean’s sarcasm was supposed to irritate Emery but she was beginning to understand that, so she responded, “Sounds fascinating but I’ll have to pass.  Maybe next time?” Emery gave Dean a sarcastic smile to match his sarcasm and stepped out the room. 

This was interesting.  Dean had just tried to rile Emery up, but she didn’t take the bait.  The girl was smarter than he was giving her credit for.  Very interesting. 

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