the next day

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jen begins to lift you by your hand then she slowly halts to a stop.

jen: "we shouldn't do this y/n. i mean, we work together. this can't be a good idea."

your heart drops. some part of you knew this was going to happen and you are heartbroken but have to handle this gracefully and with dignity.

y/n: "you know what, i completely agree. i'm so sorry. i think i've had way too much to drink. goodnight jen." you say as you get up form the sofa and head towards your room. 

you can feel jen's eyes on you as you walk away but you can't turn back now. 

the two of y'all go to your respective bedrooms and head to bed for the night. sadly, because of the incident, neither of you got a lick of sleep due to the intrusive thoughts of what had happened encroaching on both of their minds, disrupting their sleep. jen was so tough on herself because she knew that clearly the feeling was mutual and she spent the whole night wondering what could have been. how she could be laying next to you instead of a few pillows. 

you spent the night overthinking about the incident. "how could i have been so stupid! of course we can't, we work together! oh god, things are going to be so horribly uncomfortable now."

one thing y'all could both agree on was that things were going to get super weird. you both knew you both had feelings for each other but you can't do anything about it because:

1. you work together

2. you live in the same house (literally in bedrooms that are directly across from each other)

3. also y'all barely know each other

essentially, every part of this was bad idea. however, something stayed in the back of your mind continuously telling you it was right. jen had the same issue.

the next morning you walk into the kitchen quietly to grab a cup of coffee and you just hope and pray that jen is still sleeping but to your surprise, she not! :)

jen is as startled as you are and you both jump just a bit. you decide to break the silence with some forced laughter and jen joins you in the attempt at a comic relief for the situation. 

jen: "would you like a cup?" gesturing to her coffee maker.

y/n: "s-sure. thanks jen."

it's so interesting the affect it has on jen when you say her name. her eyes brighten up when you call on her and her expression turns more warm and sweet. it's one of the first things you noticed about her. it's quite cute how much it means to her.

jen: "so, today i want to work on reading my script and doing work for tms. do you mind working on my schedule and responding back to voice mails?"

y/n: "yeah of course. let me go get changed real quick then i'll get started."

jen wishes she could go with you just like you felt last night about her and that shower. but you both had to be civil so you quietly walked into your room and jen moved on with her reading.

today, you put on strappy back stilletos with black dress pants. you had on a blush pink button-up blouse that had the first few buttons left open to make your cleavage known to the world. you had lightly curled your hair and you knew you looked like a million bucks. when you walked out into the office, jen looked up and dropped her book, her jaw went with it. 

jen: "you know you aren't making this any easier right?" jen said bluntly as she chuckles.

you start to feel your cheeks turning cherry red.

y/n: "s-sorry. do i look okay?"

jen: "y/n. you look perfect."

you thank her and sit down to get to work. y'all spend a long but productive day working and luckily you are both able to say relatively on task. things start getting comfortable again and you begin to get hopeful that things will soon level out.

after the work day ends, y'all sit down to a nice and quiet dinner. mostly, discussing work topics in an attempt to avoid the enormous elephant in the room. after washing up the dishes, jen goes to the couch and invites you to join her in the same spot where everything had occurred last night. 

jen: "want more wine and hgtv?"

y/n: "as absolutely wonderful as that sounds, i need to shower. another night though for sure."

jen had invited you with every intention of redoing last night and fixing her mistake. you declined her offer because you knew you couldn't help yourself and didn't want to dig a deeper hole. little did you know, jen was going to have her way.

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