moving in

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following your interview with jen, y'all met up once more to discuss plans for moving in. she had a guest room that was directly across from her bedroom. the two of you were going to share one office and in her words, "it's going to be close quarters." which you were both secretly delighted about.

after a few days, you packed up all of your tiny LA apartment and moved out to jen's house.

you had never seen her so casually before and quite honestly, you loved it. after you rang the doorbell, you gazed at her leaning on the front doorway. she was in navy blue leggings that hugged her thighs and a lighter blue sports-bra that sent you into another dimension. her hair was in a high ponytail and her smile was so soft and warm. her eyes were beautiful as always and so so blue.

then you realized you had been staring at her as she had been staring at you as well.

you wowed her in the same manner. wearing pale pink leggings that gripped every one of your curves and a wine red crop top that presented your breasts in such a perfect manner. your hair was also up in a high ponytail and one of the first things jen noticed about you and immediately adored was the natural redness of your cheeks. this deep red and soft pink really brought out your beautiful blush and left her just as much in awe as she had left you.

eventually, you both snapped out of it and greeted each other with a friendly hug. this was the first time y'all had actually made physical contact and it really left you both craving more. jen's skin was absolutely as soft as you had imagined and your perfume was so sweet and immediately put her at ease.

you both were simply and truly incandescently happy.

jen helped you bring in all of your belongings (which really was just a few bins of clothes and shoes) and she helped you put everything away in her guest room. on your way outside to grab a bin, you passed by jen's room. all you did was barely glance inside but were immediately hit with a fantasy. you could already see it. jen on top of you...lots of hickeys...straddling...

but then you were violently ripped out of this fantasy when one of her sweet pups jumped on you wanting to be held. right after you picked chesterfield up, jen walked out of the guest room and let out a little giggle.

jen: "he already loves you and you've been here for what? 30 minutes?" she said softly laughing.

y/n: "he's so adorable jen, i already love him."

jen: "we all already adore you y/n. i'm so happy that you're here."

you both shared a warm but slightly awkward exchange of looks and smiles but this moment was quickly broken when-

jen: "alright! let's go grab those other bins."

after a long day of unpacking and getting situated, you walk out into the kitchen to the delicious smell of fresh carbonara. there, jen is standing slowly stirring the pasta in her little black apron. she looked so cute. her hair was now half-up and half-down but because of her layers, a few little hairs fell out and perfectly framed her face. the counter was set with two place settings that included two large glasses of wine- your favorite drink.

jen: "i hope you're okay with this dish. i remember you saying you loved wine and pasta so." she says while shrugging and wearing a slightly worried smile.

y/n: "jen, this is so incredibly sweet. i love all of this so much. i really-really cannot thank you enough."

jen begins to blush but sweetly hands you a bowl of the pasta a very tall glass of wine. you both sit and enjoy this dinner together while sharing many stories and laughs about each other's lives.

you realize that jen has been staring at you lovingly the entire time you talk about you passions. does she feel the same way? or is she just a good listener? either way. you know that you can't make any moves or do anything because she is your boss and this has to stay as professional as possible.

after dinner, you offer to clean up and jen tries to decline your offer but you insist.

jen: "fine. you are way too sweet. i'll go take a shower real quick then i can join you for another glass of wine. is that okay?"

y/n: "that sounds lovely jen."

jen blushes as she walks towards her room and you feel your face grow very very red as you begin to wash these dishes and wish you were joining her. little did you know, she almost invited you.

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