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😗sorry for any mistakes

Dallas, TXSeptember 24thMonday

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Dallas, TX
September 24th

🎶See, it's the same thing, no rules
Same rhythm, new blues
Same love but this time it really ain't love🎶

That's why I love you by Sir played through the bathroom as Lai moved her hips to the music and finished putting the last bead on her knotless braids.

Lai always loved the fact she could do her own hair. She was self-taught since her mom was always at work and couldn't do her or her sister's hair.

Lai used to stay up day and night watching youtube videos and practicing.

"I never wondered what this could be, I just fuck you and leaveeeee" She sung, laying her edges down with her pineapple scent edge booster.

She cleaned up the hair that was on the floor before walking out of the bathroom to throw it away. She jumped a little at the thunder while she walked into the kitchen.

"Big ass forehead" She heard when she walked into the living room. She mugged Elijah who was laid out on the couch, on his phone.

They both had to stay home today since there was a bad thunderstorm outside. Practice for him got canceled. The flights to New York, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., and Maryland she was supposed to take this week were all canceled since the storm was supposed to last for 3 days.

"Boy fuck you" She rolled her eyes "Needa take yo' ass to practice or something damn" She grumbled, walking back into the room.

He had been getting on her nerves all day today just saying slick stuff. That was the one thing about living with and being with your best friend, they annoy you the most besides your mom.

"BETTA' FIX YO' ATTITUDE FA' I FIX IT FOR YOU MILANI!" He yelled from the living room.

She started laughing, putting the hair product she used back up "Shut the fuck up, you ain' gon' do shit" She shouted back. It was only one way to fix her attitude and he couldn't because she was on her period.

She started laughing to herself when she heard footsteps. Elijah busted into the bathroom "I'll throw yo' lil ass outside and lock you out. Betta' fix it" He mugged her.

"Fathead ass lil girl," He said, walking out the bathroom. Lai ran upon him, hitting him in the back "I hate you!" she said, trying not to laugh.

"Stop" He laughed, turned around, and grabbed both of her wrists to stop her.

She squinted her eyes at him, trying to get out of his hold "Kiss my forehead and say sorry before I fuck you up"

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