Chapter 17

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Julia dropped me off out front and the door to the estate was swinging open before I'd even made it up the steps. A nervous looking Julian rushed me inside, shutting the door behind me. Well, freedom had been fun while it lasted. I handed one of the men the plate of arancini and asked him to put it in the refrigerator.

"Where have you been? He's had men looking everywhere for you." Julian asked.

I blinked in surprise. "He was looking for me? I was with his mom, what was he so worried about?" I asked with a laugh.

"Destiny, this isn't a joke, I've never seen him like this before." Julian warned me. "He's livid."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"He didn't think you'd come back. Come, I'll take you to

him." Julian said, starting up the stairs.

"Can I just go to my room and you can tell him I'm here?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"No, he'd definitely cut one of my fingers off." Julian said with a laugh as I followed him up the stairs.

"Yeah, well what about my fingers?" I asked.

"Your fingers will be fine, just don't piss him off." Julian stopped in front of Nikolai's office and knocked on the door, saying something in Italian before opening it. He gestured for me to go inside.

I gave Julian a tight lipped smile and walked into the office. Nikolai was sitting behind a big desk looking through what appeared to be paperwork. He didn't even look up as I sat down in the chair across from him.

"Where were you?" He asked, still shuffling through his papers.

"I was out." I knew my answer would piss him off. I watched his jaw clench, but he still didn't look up at me.

"Destiny." I was testing his patience and we both knew it. "Where were you?"

"I told you, I was out."

He slammed his fist on the table and stood up, finally looking at me. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"I was with your mother, jeez! What are you so worried about?"

"All night? Bullshit. Who were you with?"

"Are you insane? I thought you wanted her to like me and now you're mad that she does?" I didn't understand why he was so angry and it was upsetting to me.

"Destiny, giuro su Dio, I'm going to- '' He started, but I cut him off.
(I swear to God.)

"You're going to what? Threaten me? Hurt me? Kill me? Then what? What are you going to tell your mother?" I taunted him.

"Watch yourself, Destiny." He warned, looking like he was about to explode.

"You know what? No!" I started, fuming. "Fuck you, Nikolai Alexios. Fuck. You." His jaw clenched and his eyes were slits. He was really fucking angry and I was testing his patience, but I didn't give a damn. "You're the worst, goddamn person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You're rude, you're mean and you have no respect for me! You think you're the fucking shit? Well guess what? You're not! You-!"

Before I could finish my rant, Nikolai decided he'd had enough and lunged at me. I let out a startled scream as his arms grabbed me around the waist. He tossed me over his shoulder easily, as if I weighed nothing.

"Put me down, you crazy fucking mobster!" I screamed at him, kicking out, but his grip on my legs only tightened as he made his way out of his office and down the stairs. "I swear to fucking god, I'm going to make your life hell of you don't put me down right now!" I screamed.

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