Chapter 7: CHEATER

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"Hey y/n, you wanna come play uno at the killer cabin?" Nea asked nudging y/n who had zoned out.

"Oh!- uh sure. Who's coming?"

"Ace, Meg, Laurie, Dwight, and me."

"Ok. I'll catch up to you. Go ahead."

Nea nodded and walked off into the woods. Y/n knew they wouldn't catch up any time soon due to the fact they didn't know where it was. They grabbed their small bag. The only real thing connecting them to their world. Y/n opened it hoping to find her knife, but all they found was a post-it note with a smiley face scribbled on it.


Y/n wasn't a big fan of the idea that a killer had taken their knife. They threw the bag down in frustration and stood up. They grabbed a thin coat and walked away from the fire. After walking aimlessly through the woods for a few minutes, the air's temperature suddenly dropped. It got really cold, really fast. They clutched their coat and kept walking, knowing they were going the right direction.

"Y/NNN COME GET THIS GODDAMN CHEATER!" A voice screeched from infront of them. With out realizing that they made it to a clearing, they looked up. A well built wooden cabin stood tall infront of them. A person on the porch waved frantically before getting violently pulled inside. Y/n picked up their pace and made it to the porch. They opened the door to hear lots of yelling and objects being thrown. Everywhere.



Y/n carefully stepped in amidst the chaos between Susie and a person with a pig mask on. They both seemed extremely mad. The one with the pig mask was protecting something in their hand.

Y/n slightly scooted to the side and bumped into someone. They looked up and saw them filming this whole ordeal go down. They looked down and saw y/n. A black and white mask rested on their head. It appeared to be a sad ghost. They lowered the camera and cleared their throat.

"SUSIE YOUR FRIENDS HERE!" A masculine voice yelled quieting the whole room.

All eyes on me.

Y/n nervously smiled and waved at Susie. All the killers looked at each other. All at once a lot of the killers kept at y/n asking all sorts of questions and violently shaking their hand. Y/n felt themselves being picked up and being put on someone's shoulders. They looked down and saw the half masked face of a woman smiling back at them. Y/n was on her shoulders and they desperately held on for dear life.

"Тише!" ("Quiet!") The rabbit masked lady yelled silencing the whole cabin. He voice shook the whole building. Susie and the Pig stopped pulling each others hair, Nea stopped putting Trapper in a choke hold, but Ace kept pickpocketing everyone them slipped into the shadows.

"Пусть говорят." ("Let them talk.") The woman set y/n down carefully and patted their head. Y/n nodded at the woman and looked back at everyone.

Blue, yellow, black, green, and not even visible eyes were fixed on them. They looked at Susie and waved their hand, calling her over. Susie walked over and raised her eyebrows in curiosity.

"What do I do?" Y/n asked glancing at all the killers and few survivors.

"I got this." Susie reassured confidently as she stood tall. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE INTRODUCE YOURSELVES! YOUR SCARING Y/N!"

Immediately the ghost mask looking figure rushed up and shook y/n's hand energetically.

"I'm Danny, but you can call me what ever you want."

Y/n could practically hear the wink from under his mask. They gave a fake smiled as a taller more frightening looking figure approached them. Y/n looked up and clutched on to Susie's jacket sleeve.

"I'm Phillip." He said softly grabbing y/n's hand and shaking it. Y/n smiled and shook back, amazed by his polite introduction.

Susie ran and grabbed the pig masked woman who clearly fought back. Y/n could hear small whispers about "I don't want to meet them." And "I'll soak your pillows in warm water if you don't."

The pig girl gave up and sighed. She stuck out her hand lazily and mumbled. "Amanda." Y/n carefully shook it and Amanda stomped off to what y/n presumed was the kitchen.

"Y/n! Micheal wants to meet you!" Danny hollered as he pushed in this giant man.

"Goddamn, what are you feeding these guys?" Y/n mumbled to Susie and she just laughed. Michael was pushed in front of y/n and he slowly looked down at them.

"Hi." Y/n laughed and stuck out a shaking hand towards the killer. He stayed completely still. Not a muscle moved. Danny laughed and grabbed his hand and shoved it in y/n's and held both of them together as if they were both willingly shaking hands like besties ( which was obvious that neither of them wanted to be in this situation.).

"C'mon Mike let's go." Danny said struggling to drag him away. Michael's eyeless mask seemed to stare daggers into y/n's eyes. Y/n averted their gaze and focused it onto the next killer coming to say hi.

"Hello there little one." Said a female voice with a heavy accent. Unlike the other killers, she didn't offer out her hand, but instead bowed her head. She surprisingly smelled very nice despite looking dead. She wore golden jewelry and a beautiful golden headdress. Y/n nodded back politely.

"PILLOW FIGHTTT!" Nea yelled chucking and couch cushion and Danny, causing him to topple over onto Michael. He looked down onto Danny who looked back at him and laughed.

"Well we'l well, fate has brought us together." He tried leaning towards Michaels face, which caused Mike to chuck him across the room and slam in Phillp. Both fell to the ground and yelled. One out of pain and the other out of surprise.

"Вот так..." ("Here we go...") The masked woman said pushing y/n behind her and grabbing a whole mattress and held it like a shield in front of y/n. Y/n happily excepted her offer of coverage before all hell breaks lose.

Here we go indeed...

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