Dream hooks up with the six most popular guys and as they are hybrids, Dream got pregnant and two days after he found out he ran away not telling the boys and dreams case was deemed a closed case and the six boys gave up looking for him till the six decided to go to a café that just opened and there they spotted a waitress that look just like dream but with long hair and no mask so the six saw her walk to her house and on the way she took out her hair extension and start to walk to the bad side of town walks to a abandoned house when she opened the door six kids ran up to her each kid looked like them with a mix of dream. Find out more in this book
gender: male
sexuality: gay
hybrid: mushroom cow
Techno-age: 18
gender: male
sexuality: gay
hybrid: piglen
Wilbur- age: 18
gender: male
sexuality: bi
hybrid: deer
Sapnap-age: 18
gender: male
sexuality: bi
hybrid: fire blaze
Fundy-age: 17
gender: male
sexuality: pan
hybrid: fox
Quackity- age:18
gender: male
sexuality: pan
hybrid: duck
Dream- age: 16
gender: male
sexuality: gay
hybrid: goat
Hanna-looks like dream and sapnap(girl)
Rose-looks like dream and techno(girl)
Lily- looks like dream and Fundy(girl)
Max- looks like dream and Wilbur (boy)
Hugo-looks like dream and Quackity(boy
)Ezra-looks like dream and George(boy)