pain?? what a foreign word

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  He hit her stomach as she doubled over coughing.

"You are just a slut" he yelled but she stayed in control not showing him the pain in her eyes not showing him the tears running behind.

"What were you doing with him hun? Do you think I didn't see you Abigail?" He yelled harder pouring saliva on her face as she shook in his hands unintentionally. He then started laughing like the psycho he was.

Or maybe she was the psycho and he was the normal one in both of them...

He grabbed her neck pushing her to the wall as he pressed his body into hers inhaling her scent through her hair. He grind his hard member on her before letting go of her neck and stepping back.

He groaned walking away from her as he rubbed himself through his shorts.

She stayed on the floor, cloth half torn, messy hair and books spilled on the floor.

She stood up with great struggle wiping the blood off her lips. A smile broke out on her lips as a Chuckle escaped them with great force and pain.

She walked upstairs cleaning herself up the bruises were noticable but she just covered it up with layers and layers of makeup. Not ruining her natural beauty, it was just to cover the visible scars.

She got to school late in a white shirt, black knee length pants and white converse. A coffee in hand and a book in the other, headphone on her ears, chewing gum in her mouth going pop and pop every minute and phone in her pocket.

Then she saw him, Alexander Mandel. He stared at the short girl who was at his front with a straight bored face.

"I..I think...i.."

"You think what?! Speak fast I don't have all day" he groaned itching his arm.

"I think I am in love with you Alex" she bursted out saying not able to keep the emotions.

"You said what?" He asked anger clear in his eyes but the girl ignored it glad she finally had his attention.

"After last night I have fallen even harder for you, when you were inside me-"



Keep it PG - 16 please.

"You found out you wanted to be with me for the rest of ur life yeah yeah yeah I have heard that word before you are not the first so scram" he said looking agetiated tears filled her eyes.

"Wh..what do you mean by am not the first?"the girl said tears in her eyes and that's when Abigail saw her clearly.

Allison Mai
Junior student
Hasn't used over two months in the school
Beautiful but would be rather called cute
Height 5'7
Aiming to be a cheerleader
Embarrassed last week Friday after rejecting a senior boy though he was ugly he was still a senior.
And has black belt in self-defense. Will fit perfectly in a modelling company.

The girl broke into tears her  facade and  tough expression she tried to hold broke. He was about to walk away when she pulled on his hand holding it in a tight grip.

"Please don't leave me please I'll do anything, anything at all please I beg of you" she cried clutching on to his hand. He scrawled pulling her hand off him before hitting her on the face...hard. the sound echoing through the almost empty hall.

"How low" he spat as she fell to the floor due to the force of the hit,she felt weak too weak.

"How low for a person like you too" Abigail finally said getting off her position on the locker as she tsked and picked her book. She shook her head letting out an heavy sigh.

"and who the fuck are you to interfere?" He said back watching as the girl stepped closer. His eyes squinted towards her.

"Am your guardian angel" she said with a smile on her face that shown with beauty.

"Do you know who you are messing with young girl"

"Don't call me that am sure you are just a year older than I am"she said giving him a rare grin as she tilted her head a little at his words she looked so innocent.

He gulped "I don't know what you are playing at but-"

"So what was the reason" she said cutting him off as they both forgot the girl on the floor. A smile was still on her face though she knew it was fake it couldn't be said the same for the blonde boy at her front.

She got so close he saw she wasn't as short as the black belt infact the definition short couldn't be used to describe her.

She was tall just an inch shorter than him and he is 6'2 Yes she was 6'1.

"Reason for what" he asked like a fool as blood rushed to the area between his legs.

"Reasons for... using girls as toys, is it to forget?. Cause daddy never played catch with you or mummy gave you to the Nanny immediately she got you out of her or she never read you bed time stories or told you she loved you." She said all this so close to his ear not letting Allison hear a word as he shivered at her minty breath.

"You know nothing about me" he said and she chuckled.

"I know that, if I did know things about you I wouldn't be asking why you became a man whore" as she said that she walked away leaving him shivering yet it wasn't due to cold.

A loop sided grin appeared on his face as he walked to the direction of the toilet adjusting his shorts to cover his bulge. That's when he noticed they wore matching clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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