Fashion, looking good and feeling almost fine

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Two days had gone by, and I could almost concentrate on my work. The fashion show is tomorrow and I still need to organize what I'm deciding to keep or not. My favourite piece is a Esmerald-Green gown, I can't wait to see it on the show. It took me 4 months of hard work, and I'm really proud of it. My teacher said it made her decision of choosing me for this trip very easy.

After 4 hours of ininterrupted work, I go through my phone, and I see a story from Lady Gaga, so I clicked immediately.

"I'm proud to say that I will be taking part of the Malibu's Young Fashion event that is happening tomorrow! Thank you for the honor of getting to be with the future of the fashion world, among the most talented youngsters!"

My heart skipped a bit, as I reach to Bea and show her what I've just read.

— Do you think I will be able to meet her too? I can't believe how much luck we've been having!

— I hope so Bea, you desearve it! Also, she will love all your pieces, I'm so envy of what you pulled off!

—Alice, you shouldn't be envy when you made that Versace worth-it green dress.

—I'm really proud of it, Bea, but let me be jealous of you women suits.

I woke up at 5 a.m., thinking of all of what's been happening. The fashion show, Malibu, the work I could have done more, but mostly, her. My head is trying to wrap around if I should try and talk to her again. I'm so scared of messing anything up, as if we even had something going on. For some reason she couldn't come out from my head, even after all the times I tried to convince myself that she's just a normal person, like me. I try to sleep more but as I'm mid-falling I get this image of me kissing her. My lips on hers. I suddently open my eyes, in disbelief of my own fantasies. I eventually sleep a few more hours.

9 a.m.

Today is the day. I will finally be able to show my work, and pray for that an oddly looking old guy will remember any of my pieces for more than 5 days. The dream would be to get a prize. The prizes go in categories, from best collection to best execution, best dress, etc. For some categories, you're garanteed a summer internship in some of the best ateliers in California.

We get a cab and walk to the warehouse we had been working at, then gather stuff for the organization to transport everything to the Globe Theater. It's all a rushed job, as we have to haver everything set by 6 p.m., so I barely have any time to think a lot, Bea holds my hand and tells me everything is going alright, and I try to relax. Bea even kisses me on the cheek, which I have no idea what it meant, but it felt good. I've had a huge crush on her for the longest time. But that was material for another day of overthinking, not today.

The show started and we are in the backroom, with the models who are going to do the runway, when Lady Gaga appears. The room gets this weird aura, in a conjunction of weird silences and some gay noises.

—"Hey guys, are you ready?"

We all automatically answer in choir, and Gaga locks eyes with me — Alice is that you? — she asks.

Everyone progressively looks at me and I feel myself blush.

—Y-yeah, It's me. Today I have my phone, at least I think so – I cringe at my own words, but Gaga seems to find it amusing, as she came to my side and put an arm around my shoulder. She's wearing huge heels, which made her a lot taller than me. I felt the warmth of her arm, as she said some encouraging words to the group.

—I have to go now, but I will come back, and we can talk about the show. You know I'll be part of the jurors, I shouldn't even be here!

I look at her and she has the biggest smile on her face. She looks ethereal with a simple white gown. My guess would be that she's wearing costum Versace. Something inside me dies when I realize her arm isn't going to be there the rest of the night. I already feel so close to her, like I just want her to hug me and say my name once again, and then one more time, and another.

The show goes amazingly and Mark, Bea and I got huge compliments from everyone, I'm feeling super accomplished.

—We made it!– says Mark –Congratulations to us!

— We can finally celebrate with some champagne – I say

—I still want a picture with Lady Gaga, though. What is it that she likes you so much, Alice?

—Well... I dont kn-

—I mean, probably what everyone sees, you're amazing.

I don't even know what to answer, her words make my eyes wet. I've been feeling super emotional lately. And as I make an answer in my mind, she comes in again.

"This was a great show! I can't ever get tired of praising every single one of you! I loved everything! Can I take everything home?"

Everyone seemed to be very opened to the idea, quite honestly.

"Tomorrow is voting day, but the judges will be able to talk to you about the pieces, and observe them on their own. You won't know who the judgers are among the rest of the public."

"But I can't wait for tomorrow to congratulate whoever made those blue suits, It's amazing your creativity!"

—It was me – says Bea.

—You are seriously talented! If you keep working hard, beautiful things will come your way! – says excitingly.

I get a little jealous, as she says these words to Bea, but the overwhelming feeling of how proud I am of Beatrice is a lot bigger.

Everyone starts taking pictures with Gaga, and for last there's me.

—Hey again, Alice. Are you okay?

—I'm better than great. Can I ask you something?

—Of course, honey.

—What's it that you're so nice to me? I mean I know it's not just me, but since that day in Starbucks you never even forgot my name.

—I just liked you.– we lock eyes – You'll go far in the industry, but you will learn how to be tougher. I remember being your age, repeating words to myself before I asked for a gig on a café.

Her beautiful green eyes on mine, and my heart is beating so fast that it's impossible to hide.

—Thank you so much, I can't believe how nice you are. And that I'm meeting Lady Gaga for the second time. I'm such a big fan-

—Call me Stefani

—Yes, thank you Stefani, I love you.

Wait did I just tell her I love her?

—I love you too, Alice. Tomorrow I may have a surprise for you. But I can't tell you already! Got to go baby girl, I'll be here tomorrow.
She kissed me on the cheek.

—Have a good night. – Are the words that I'm able to say.

She closes the door behind her and Bea comes to me with two glasses of champagne.

—Is she going to ask you to make her a gown? She's aaaalways with you, Alice! Isn't that amazing?

—Yes, Stefani's really sweet.

—And you already call her ny her name??? I'm soo jealous!

—She said her favourite pieces were yours.

—I know and I cant believe that! I wish we could stay here drinking but it's almost 3 a.m. and we need to prepare for tomorrow.

—I'm so happy Bea, I think I could do this my whole life.

—We will, especially now with your new connects  – she winks at me, making me laugh.

—Nothing like that, she was just trying to be nice.

— Well for the way she looks at you, she's not just being nice.

We called a taxi and went to the hotel.

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