Please 🙏 it's important🥺

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(Please don't vote for this request part)


The next chapter is readyyyy and is waitinggg...So please go and vote for 'First night' and make it reach a 90 votes (10 more)

And to all the silent readers who have added 'Marrying my Ex- boyfriend' to their reading lists but have noted voted please vote...Until then I won't update the 'first night' is written and ready to publish...So please go and vote...

Also, that I am in class 9, which is considered to be the most difficult class, so pleaseee appreciate my efforts... It's not only me but many other writer who are in high school and still write books to keep you guys entertained so pleaseeeee go and vote...The targets aren't big, each chapter get minimum 300 views so why do the votes not reach the target which is below 100 ...The target set is ⅓ of the minimum views I get on each chapter...yet even ⅓ readers are not willing to vote... Don't I write good? You are my audience and you guys have full right to give me suggestions and if there is something in my writing style which is bothering you 😔...Whether it be me or any other writer, we spend time to keep you guys entertained so pleaseeee take a moment to vote for the chapter.

And for those people who add the books to their reading lists but don't vote, let me tell you that you guys hurt me the most and probably not only me, but many other writers...Some readers vote for 1 chapter and don't vote for the rest, this seems to be a disrespect to the writer...And the silent readers of this book pleaseeeee vote... I keep the next chapter ready within a week of posting the previous one with the hope that the target would be completed but, unfortunately it isn't 😔...

I am very disappointed today and thus have penned this down...I hope that you guys can feel the pain and don't miss to vote next time...I am eagerly waiting for 'FIRST NIGHT' to cross 90 votes.

And I love inline comments as most of the writers so please leave some while you are reading...And I am unable to respond to them because of a right schedule...I am very sorry for that😔

Will be waiting for the targets to be completed ❤️😄🥰

Your writer,

Married to my Ex-Boyfriend ✔️Where stories live. Discover now