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Beomgyu: ah~ that hits the spot

I put the small cup on the table

Sunoo: how are your classes going

Beomgyu: it's the end of the semester, it's stressful.

Jay: of you want any help, I can lend in a hand.

Beomgyu: thank you, but it's ok.

Sunoo: anyway, have you heard?

Beomgyu: about what?

Sunoo: there's some medical students coming from the States.

Could it be? No. Less likely to happen.

Jay: For what?

Sunoo: apparently it's for them to study us.

Jay: are we lab rats?

Sunoo: no, I think it's more like for them to study our heart rates, and the difference between everyone in the music arts students.

Beomgyu: like a research project

Sunoo: bingo!

He poured me another shot of soju

It's been a year since then. I left them, and I haven't talked to them since.

The only one I kind of keep in contact is Kai.

Jay: is something wrong?

I snapped out of my daze.

And looked at Jay.

Beomgyu: don't worry about it, I'm fine.

Sunoo: it's the girl again.

I looked at him

Jay: you told us about her, remember?

Beomgyu: it isn't about her, plus I'm over her.

Sunoo: sure, let's go with that for now.

I rolled my eyes at him

I didn't want to think about the past. Passing this years final semester was everything right now.

Beomgyu: how's Sunghoon?

Jay: no Idea, I haven't heard from him.

Sunoo: Jeez that guy, he thinks he can just leave us here while he'sliving his life in Jeju?

He stabbed one of the pieces of meat in front of him.

Beomgyu: he probably has a reason.

Jay: that's true, he never leaves out of the blue like that.

Beomgyu: I heared there's a huge ice skating rink, that's probably why.

Sunoo: he could've just invited us still.

Jay: eat, stop talking, it'll get cold.

Jay patted Sunoo's back making him calm down and continue eating.

Beomgyu: he's not enjoying this food though.

Sunoo: your right.

We continues eating and the rest of the night it was just us three.

Jay: we have no classes tomorrow, so, let's enjoy this a little.

We raised our glass

The night is still young.

Soon we each got our bills and went our separate ways.

Even with many shots, I was still able to walk myself.

Sunoo on the other hand is perfectly fine, he was in charge of walking Jay home. Who could barley stand.

In the distance I saw Soobin with Yeji.

They were across the street.

Beomgyu: they look happy.

I stumbled a bit, but was able to get home.

I opened the door to see San, Wooyoung and Yeosang.

San met Wooyoung and Yeosang after I graduated. They were really fun to hand out with.

Beomgyu: I'm home.

I took off my shoes. And very slowly put on my slippers.

San: welcome home.

Wooyoung: Hey.

Yeosang: hello.

They smiled at me, and I returned the smile.

San: want help?

Beomgyu: No thanks, I got it.

San: You'll fall backwards.

I started slowly going up the stairs.

It wasn't a lot, but with the alcohol in my system, it felt like it.

I misplaced my foot and stumbled.

I almost felt backwards, luckily San was there.

San: I told you. Here, give me your arm.

I just nodded and went along with it.

Shortly after we both got to my room.

He threw me on my bed and left me there

San: I'll bring some water, get rest.

That was the last thing he said before closing the door behind him.

Once I got changed I sat down on my bed covered in my blankets

I looked around my room.

Remembering old times.

I saw the small white teddy bear she gave me. With a small bracelet she made around the wrist of the bear.

I looked some more, and there it was, the giant bear I won at the fair.

I big sigh escaped my mouth.

Beomgyu: I messed up, didn't I.

Yeonjun: yeah you did.

I jumped

Beomgyu: how did you get in here.

Yeonjun: San called me, here.

He handed me water.

I just starred at him.

Yeonjun: it's not poisoned.

I shoved it in my hands.

I drank the glass of water and set it on the bed side table.

Yeonjun: not a single word from you after graduation, huh?

Beomgyu: tsk

I looked out the winder not wanting to listen to him.

Yeonjun: she cried the whole week because of you!

I didn't want to hear it, it hurt.

Yeonjun: so now your ignoring me.

There was silence.

Yeonjun: and here I was thinking I could save our friendship.

Beomgyu: you think-

There wasn't any words coming out.

Beomgyu: just get out.

Yeonjun: I what? I thought what?

Beomgyu: GET OUT!

Yeonjun: FINE! But talk to us. We all miss you.

I didn't realize, but I was crying.

It hurt.

Yeonjun left. I was sitting in a small room in the dark.

This was how my life is.

Beomgyu: I miss you

Was all I could whisper

I covered myself in my blankets

Beomgyu: i miss you, Y/n

The darkness filled up my vision.

Loser《Beomgyu》Where stories live. Discover now