crash and burn -- [✯/♡]

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summary; now that you think about it, it was naive to think he wouldn't be here tonight. Between blended social groups and your home body tendencies, it'd be weird if he wasn't here tonight. But there's no way you could've avoided coming. What kind of friend would you be if you skipped out on your best friends' 21st birthday? -- an exes au. 

warnings; alcohol usage and mentions, reader does not like social outings lmao, arny and reader have a bit of a toxic on and off relationship going on, please dont actually bang ur ex it never ends well i promise, heavy heavy smut, degradation, belt usage for bondage, mirror play for funsies, slight undertones of manhandling?, arnys mean mean but we love it here, two (2) ass smacks, title usage (reader calls him "daddy"), reader is on birth control but arny doesn't wrap it before he taps it here (plz actually wrap it before you tap it folks), reader is kind of a brat and mouths off with him, slight s&m undertones, possessive arny, one usage of the c-word in reference to female anatomy,  arny calls reader a slut but in a loving way, uhhhhh yeah this is filthy plz head these warnings LMAO 

authors note: i put my entire duskussy into this if yall boo me i will cry /j (jk on with the slut show)

here's the playlist for pt 1! ;;


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"Aweee c'monn y/nnn, I won't tell anyonee!!"

She's been glued to your shoulder for the past five minutes. Sure, you were supposed to enjoy your first legal drink, maybe let loose a bit. But Paige had started drinking at 16, when she started dragging you to those shitty parties back in high school thrown by "someone's friend who knew someone who knew someone else". The first shot of tonight was far from her first sip of alcohol, and you both knew that.

You huff, trying your best to guide her to the outside walls of the living room, weaving past and through heavy, sweaty bodies as you attempt to make it to the kitchen with her in tow. "You know I don't drink, Paige, we've been over this. Legal age or not."

She replies in a huff of her own, all pouty lips and slurred whines as you drag her feet through the corridor and into the kitchen, finally resting both of your bodies against the kitchen island. She slumps her upper body ungracefully onto the marble, hiccuping on her own breath before retorting, "Yeah, and we've also been over how- hic- you need to not be so strict with yourself."

You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little too hard on yourself from time to time; she's known you since the both of you were in elementary school. It's hard to hide virtually anything from her prying words and knowing eyes. But, you stand firm, even as she pushes her red solo cup your way, instead reaching for a water bottle from the flat you made sure to stock underneath the island a few hours ago. Room temperature or not, she'll be thanking you in the morning.

"Oh shush", you say, mumbling under your breath as you pop the cap open for her. Extending your arm, you gesture to where it stands between you on the island with your eyes and a raised brow. "Now drink, before I assign you to cleanup duty in the morning."

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