<Chapter 6: Can we sit?>

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{Irene POV}

"Be-be-be-cause look" the three said said

"what?!" I said

Irene look behind and saw Lisa, Jeongyeon, Jisoo and seulgi

"Ohh i see" i added

"Oh hi Irene" seulgi said

"Hi" i said

"Can we seat with you girls yk they are no availble seat and we know each other right? hehe" Seulgi said

"Ask them" pointing at the three girl that is a blushing mess and like a tomato

"Ahh ehhh" rose said

"AHH" jen said

"Ermm ah eh" nayeon

"its okay" seulgi said

"YES YOU CAN" the three girls said

"Thank you" Jeongyeon, Seulgi, Jisoo said

"Thx" lisa said

"btw you guys order your food" irene said

"Okay" seulgi said while winking at irene

Irene make a disgusting face  or "Eww" face

<Seulgi done ordering>

{No one POV}

The four girls start eating while lisa is looking at jen

"looking at your future wife" jisoo whispered at lisa

"Ha?" lisa didn't understand 


<They start a chit chat while jennie is staring at lisa the whole time>

"Thank you for letting us sit" they said

"Your welcome" the girls said




Thats all for today ill try too update 3/more in a week :))

thank you for reading and loving my story


btw you can add me at twt i follow you back

@ BLINKPINK819 thank you!!:))

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