<Chapter 20: Airport>

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"Bye" we all said

"Lets go" they said

"Yeah" i said

Someone hug me

"Lisa did you come here for me" nancy said

"Excuse me girl but lisa just confessed to our lovely JENNIE" the 6 said

"But where is she?" she said rolling her eyes

"Stop it nancy" i said

"if you think i like you NO is the answer" i said

"I just treat you like my sister" i added

"Sister!?" nancy said

"yes sister so accept it" i said

"NO lisa i like you lisa" nancy said

"Stop it" i said


"Stop it gUrl just accept it" they said

"NO" nancy said crying and left

'Lets go now"


Only 3 chapters left

i cant believed its gonna end :((

My Promise is here Love yah all

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