Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10

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I am 99% innocent,
But you better dont see that 1%..

Siya Khaleja

I was standing with di and divi talking when I heard varun's voice in mike we turned out attention towards him

"Good evening everyone welcome you all" he greeted and everyone cheered

"Today I want to introduce you all my sister in law and who is not only a wife of the King of the world but also who is taking the place of the queen" he said and everyone started hooting more loudly

I started feeling more nervous when he announced that

"So let's welcome the powerful couple of the world Mr.Big boss and Mrs.Big boss" teh sound was so loud that for a second I couldn't hear anything except it

I saw Rahul walking towards me he came and stood in front of me and forwarded his hand

I took it and we walked towards the stage  his hand went to my waist

Everyone kneeled down and bowed infront of him as soon as we both reached the stage

Each and every big leaders were also present

From prime minister and president of a county to all the big actors were also kneeling in front of him bowing their head

I knew that he is powerful but I never knew that he is this powerful

He raised his right hand and everyone stood up

"Sit" he ordered in ice cold voice and all took their seats

"So here we have the powerful man in the world what would you wish to say about this big boss" a news reporter questioned

"I am happy for myself that I got an angel as my wife though it was sudden but I am glad I took the decision" he said I smiled at him

They continued their questions and after correct five question he looked at them pointedly and they ran from that place

I chuckled lightly

"What's so funny Mrs.Khaleja" he asked my breath hitched

I feel all the tingling sensation in my stomach when I hear this name

"Nothing Mr.Khaleja" I replied but he smirked

"It's just that I never saw paparazzi getting scared of anyone and here they are behaving like scared kittens" I replied and his smirk widened

"That's the power of mine" he said I rolled my eyes

I was startled when he pinched my waist I raised my brows

"What was that for Mr.Rahul Khaleja" I asked him

"For rolling your eyes Mrs.Rahul Khaleja" he replied and again that tingling sensation came back I feel blush creeping up my cheeks

"Can i have dance with this beautiful lady" he asked I nodded

He pulled me to the dance floor and we started dancing

He pushed me from my hand and pulled me back to his chest

My back was touching to his chest and his hands slid around my waist

The song was soft and romantic he turned me towards himself and picked me up from my waist and twirled

He made me stand on his feet and he held my hands and we both twirled together our forehead was joined

We heard hooting and came back to the world

We stood straight then varun went on the stage and took the mike again

"So let's play paper folding game" he shouted in the mike and everyone cheered

"So all the couple's please come on the stage" he said

Rahul took my hands and we went upon the stage

Long paper was kept under our foots then the song was played

We danced rhythemically and everyone passed the test as everyone danced inside the paper

Next the paper was folded and we stood on that he pulled me closer and we danced at the end 2 peoples were eliminated

And the next round the paper was folded again this time it was too small that oy Rahul could stand on that

He pulled me and now I was standing on his legs

His breath was falling on my neck making knees go weak I clutched his shirt tightly looking into his eyes I was lost his hand were on my waist making butterflies fly in my stomach

Then the hooting sound was heard and we came out of our land and stood now 3 members were eliminated and only I, Rahul with Di, jiju and Varun,Diwi were at the final round

They folded the paper and Rahul stood on his one leg and pulled me on his leg now we was sticking to each other like second skin

My each body part was touching his my hands on his shoulder while his as usual on my waist and we danced for some time and jiju and di were eliminated now

They folded the paper one more time and Rahul stood on his single feet again but it was little up as he don't want to go out of the paper

He pulled and in an instant I was in his arms in bridal style he swayed me for sometime and finally Diwi and Varun were eliminated and we won the game

I was so happy that I got down his arms and hugged him

After sometime I came into my sense and released my hands from him

I stood there awkwardly looking everywhere but him

It was time for the dinner so we had and left back to the mansion

I feel soo sleepy that I slept inside the car as I was tired since morning

Next day

I woke up and found myself in Rahul's arms for the first time I am waking in this position

Since marriage he woke up fast and he would be gone to his gym

Moreover I feel so secure in his arm that I don't wish to get up from the sleep itself

I want to spend my whole life like this in his arms

I looked and found myself in yesterday's saree

Then I remembered that I slept in the car itself then how did land here

I don't remember walking in sleep

"What are you thinking" I heard his morning husky voice and turned towards him he pulled me more closer

"Good morning to you too" I said sarcastically he rolled his eyes

"I was thinking how did I land here" I asked

"I asked some watchman to pick you up" he said making sly face


"Shut up wife what kind of stupid question is this of cource I picked you" he said and I blushed at that wife word

I got up from the bed but landed back on his chest as he tugged me

"What" I asked he wrapped his hands around my bare waist and pulled me more closer


I never insult people, I only tell what they are..



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