Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 21

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Stop crying bro
No one can change your life
Except you
You life is your responsibility..


"What rubbish are you talking Divya can youind explaining me whom I am dating" asked him glaring at her

"I know you are dating that stupid p.a of yours" she said sniffing

"What the fuc-" he stopped uttering the word when siya glared at him hardly

"Sorry bhabhi par dekhiye na aapke friend ko kuch bhi kahe Jaa rahe ho"(sorry sis in law but look at your friend she is just uttering nonsense) he complained and siya shook her head standing up

"Sort out your problems don't drag me in it" she said and left from there

Varun dragged Divya to a corner and pushed her to the wall

"Listen carefully Divya i am not going to repeat it i love you only you so don't you dare think that i am dating someone"bhe said in possessive tone

"You dint even know to propose idiot" she hit him on his chest to which he chuckled

"I love you Will you marry me" he asked taking out the ring from his pocket kneeling on the floor

She forwarded her hand with tears flowing in her eyes she was continuously nodding she sat on her knees with thud and hugged him tightly sobbing hard in his chest

"I thought you live someone else l" she said and cried on his shoulders while he murmured sweet nothings making her stop her sobs and looked at him with her doe shaped eyes

"I love you" she mumbled to which he kissed her forehead

"You are never going to loose me Divya i love you and only you you are my everything after RK" he said and hugged her while she broke the hug and held his cheeks

"I will ask you a question will you answer me truthfully" she questioned he nodded

"If i asked you to choose between me and RK whom will you choose" she aske dmakibg him stunned he stood up

"I guess you know the answer RK is my everything My father, mother, sister, brother and everything a child needs in his childhood and i love him to moon and back and i will not even choose god if I have to choose between him and RK and i am going to choose him Divya" he said and she stood up with a soft smile

"Don't get tensed Varun i know you love RK as much as i love siya and Priya di" she smiled at him which he returned

"I am just tensed what if he don't agree me as your bride" she asked frowning

"Don't think much i will handle it" he said and kissed her forehead and turned to leave while she held his hand

"What if RK jiju tell you not to marry me" she asked and he smiled removing his hands from hers

"I will not and i know he is not going to oppose my love for you" he said and left from there leaving Divya in deep thought

Soon Varun reached the office and went to Rahul's cabin directly

"To" he shouted in happiness to which Rahul looked at him frowning

"What made you this happy did anyone accept you proposal" asked rahul standing up from his place Varun was stunned to listen it

"How did you know" he asked and he just smirked

"So Divya agreed??" he asked to which he nodded grinning ear to ear just them his phone rung and Varun went out to pick his phone excusing himself

"Shit" Rahul mumbled looking at his laptop and closed his eyes in frustration

Varun once again entered the cabin and looked at RK who was thinking something deeply he called him making him come back to the world

"Varun i want you to not marry Divya" uttered Rahul making Varun freeze in his place he looked at him expecting that he was joking but his face was dead serious

"Will you do this for me" Rahul asked and Varun sighed deeply nodding his head

"But remember one thing Rk if not her i am not going to marry anyone and i know that there is a reason behind this but i am not going to ask you" he said and left the cabin on reaching his cabin tears flowed from his eyes

"Divya" he called her and she picked it up in 1 ring

"Did RK agree" she asked with worry in her voice

"No" he uttered exhaling deeply she sat with thud making his heart go haywaire

"Divya" he whispered while tears started pouring from her eyes she cut the call and sobbed leaning on to her table

"Divya" entered siya and Priya with smile on their face but seeing Divya in this condition they ran to her worried

"What happened Divya why are you crying" asked Priya and made her look at them

"RK rejected us" she sobbed hard after telling this

"What" asked siya and she narrated all the happenings and continued her crying

"Siya siya tell RK na I can't live with Varun siya tell him to agree" she sobbed like a kid making siya's heart clench

"Don't worry Divya i am going to talk to him now stop crying and come lets take you home" she said and they drove towards their home taking Divya also with them

They entered inside and sat on the couch discussing about it

Soon the door bell rqmd and gents arrived looking at Divya Varun left to his room

"Mujhe aapse bath karni hai"(i want to talk to you) siya said and went to their room whole Rahul followed her he knows about what she have to talk

"Rahul yeh aap kaise kar sakte hai"(how can you do this) she asked as soon as he entered the room

"Mei jo kuch bhi kar raha hoon vo sahi hai"(whatever i am doing its right) he said cupping her cheeks


A great father and a great coach never teaches you school lessons
They always teaches you life lessons..



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