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“Where are we headed off to? And why have you blind folded me?” Yoongi helped you climb up the stairs. “Hush! You’ll find out soon.” He was dressed in a black tuxedo with hair styled backwards. A bright gummy smile was seen on his face. Yoongs, I love you.” He was caught off guard by your words, stopping in the middle of the stairs.

It wasn't unusual to confess your feelings towards each other, nevertheless he always found it hard to answer to your expressive nature. Hiding your feelings was something both of you did. It just came out naturally. But at times like this was when he went all emotional for you. “I love you too Y/N.”

Opening the door he gently removed his hands from your eyes. “Open your eyes.” The view in front of you was jaw dropping. A table for two was placed in the middle of the rooftop with lights decorated throughout the area, to top it off a petals making a heart shape was made around the table. “This is so beautiful, it must have cost you a fortune. Why did you waste your money over this?”

He flicked your forehead. “Dumb lady, you never ask me for anything, but I know you have some desires and expectations from your husband which you might not reveal to me. As your husband it is my duty to fulfill them. So? Will you allow your man to have a dance with you?” Pulling out his hand he confidently asks. “Yes.”

Joyfully you lend him your hand. A slow music was played in the background, with your bodies moving to the rhythm. “Forgive me for doubting you the other day. It wasn’t my intention. I love you alot, the thought of you separating from me wasn’t pleasantful hence the protective man inside me took incharge and I punished you.” Smiling at him, you shook your head.

“This possessive man inside you, gotta know I’m equally possessive in fact much more than what you are. You belong to me and only me.” Grabbing his collar you placed your lips on his. He held your waist firmly in his grip. “Don’t let another woman check you out or praise you, because that’s only my right and for me to do.” Parting your lips you cease the kiss. “The same goes for you.”

He draped his arms from behind on your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder. “This red dress suits you really well.” Pecking your shoulder, he complimented. “Thank you, if the talk is about beauty this black tuxedo you’re wearing isn’t making you any less appetizing either.” Yoongi smirked. “Well you took my intuitions and intentions quite rightly didn't you?” Turning on your heels you lock your arms around his neck. “I’m a smart lady and I hope you remember this Min Yoongi.”

“I will surely do Min Y/n.” Brushing your locks behind your shoulder, his loving gaze droon on your figure. “A little more time and I promise to reveal to the world that we are together as each other’s destiny.” Connecting your foreheads he runs his fingers on your cheekbone. Things were at a point complicated between you both. He was desperate to reveal to the world you were his. While you weren’t ready.

To the world it would be crystal clear you were wrong so were your decisions. But, some things gotta be handled wisely. Yoongi knew that too. Hence he respected your decision and waited patiently to announce it to both your families y’all were married.

He had his own plans on the way. He wanted to be a man, who’s attained infinite success to the point that even if your parents were to reject him, he wouldn’t step back from holding you in his arms. Rebelling from the world and claiming proudly that you belonged to him and only him. “Should we eat now?” Kissing your forehead tied your hair in a low ponytail. “Yes we should.”


“Why do we have meetings at different times? What’s wrong with the CEO? Doesn’t he know we are a married couple? Should I remind him once again?” He balled his fists out of frustration. The cause of his raged up behavior was today’s meeting. On normal times you would attend it together. Today, however, it concerned the shares and an upcoming project. Hence, the segregation of employees was done on the basis of their major fields.

Since you and Yoongi graduated from two different courses the company decided to send you to a different meeting agenda. Which wasn’t pleasing to Yoongi. “I’ll meet you at the break, take care of yourself and give me a call if something goes wrong.” Sneakily stealing a peck from you he walked in the other direction.

“You shouldn’t be receiving calls during a meeting.” Murmuring to yourself you chuckled. Yoongi managed to hear it. Stopping on his tracks. “I’m recieiving my wife’s call which is much more important then that stupid meeting I’m assigned to.”

Beth, one of your mutual friends, gasped at his strict statement. She happened to pass by, when she accidentally overheard the conversation. Yoongi was unfazed by her astonishment. He could care or bother less about the rumors soon to surface in the company. It was his attitude. To give zero fucks about everything and nothing.

-2:30 P.M.-

“Excuse me, may I know where Min Yoongi is?” She enquired with the receptionist. The woman lifts her head up. “May I know who you are?” Typing something on the computer she questioned. “I’m his Mother.” The lady hurriedly called someone, and a man came running in her direction. “What was the emergency that you called me? I was peeing.”

Mrs Min looked everywhere but him. Averting her gaze from the man who was buckling his belt. “Kwan watch your words. She’s Mrs Min Mr Min Yoongi’s mother.” Kwan bowed his head embarrassed by his actions and impolite speech. “Mrs Min Mr Yoongi is in a meeting currently. Would you like meeting his wife instead? I’m sure it’s been a long time since you’ve met your daughter-in-law.” The younger male laughed. Kara, the receptionist, chimed along with him. Dialing someone’s number. “WHAT? WIFE?”

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