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TW/CW for:
Politics, mentions of bomb shelters/bunkers.

I'll be trying to release more chapters during the weekends, at least- the weekends in the US- I do hope you're all okay with that.

And I do wish you all the best in these times where war is bound to happen.
Those who live in Ukraine, please listen to this;
There ARE bunkers in Poland, more specifically the Sarny Fortified Area.

I'm not using this war scenario for views or likes.
I'm genuinely afraid and I want everyone who has a good soul to be safe.

Please, I can't stress this enough, everyone stay safe.
War is completely bound to happen.
We are living in the horrors of current history.
I love and appreciate you all.
Please, stay safe.
And once again, I'm not using this for views. I am genuinely terrified of the current world war that may happen...
Sorry for ranting in this book.
But I felt this was important.

Thanks for reading.
Olin signing off.

𝑺𝑼𝑮𝑨𝑹𝑷𝑳𝑼𝑴𝑺 (various!yandere!CRK x reader) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now