untitled of excitement

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Another flashback has turned back to when Hyori was out buying groceries at some store few days back. She was wearing something hideous and looking here and there just to making sure she won't meeting anyone she knew from school. She's afraid they will ask her about her story and those will make her anxious as hell. She picked up the last item which is pad. It was higher than her height which causing the item fell on the floor.

"Shit!" She cursed slowly. She bent over to pick it up and a hand bounded to meet hers. She looked up just to found someone that she thought she knows. But she isn't.

"Father?" She called him. He picked the item and handed to her. She accepted it without any curiosity and look at him going on his way.

"Thank you..." She said as a way of gratitude. He nodded with a smile which making Hyori's happy.

"Someone same I guess." She said with a smile. She knows, that man is no one in her life and ignore her longing feeling.

He just moved the cart with his wife nearby him and proceed to make payment after handed her a pad that she also wanted.

"Thank you, dear." She said.

"Sure, my honey." He replied back to her as a way to show her his love. He is that loving kind of person.

From far, Hyori just looked at them and wishing he is hers so bad. The longing that deepen in her heart making her feel sicker and that's why she was absent for a month after discharged.

The cashier called her few times to make the payment as there's a lot of customers waiting in line for payment. She quickly handing the cashier the card and apologize to the customers as well to the cashier. She just immediately running away from the store and promised to not stepping into that store for awhile.

That was enough, to make Hyori happy again.

As they are back to the present, Hyori still hugging Hyunmin. He started to remember the fact that they met each other few days ago in the store and he realized that she was staring at him all the time during the payment period, he was thinking she's that creepy stalker. He slowly pull her out from the embrace she is in now. She looked confused and slowly avoiding to facing him with shame.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake." She replied and bowed. She sniffling while holding her tears under her sobbing. This time, he doesn't feel touching or care about her since he felt threaten with her way. This is kind of bad first impression she gave to him. She immediately leave them and return home.

"Hyori!" Doyoung called her but she ignored him all the time. She closed the door loudly and leave.

"Who is she?" He asked Doyoung as they the only one in the room.

"She's my best friend. She also one of our classmate. Her name is Kim Hyori. The one that absent for a month due to family problem." He answered while offering his teacher a seat. Hyunmin accepted it and sat down.

"I'm apologized for what she has done to you earlier. By the way, she is Kim Hyori." Doyoung said to the teacher. But, Hyunmin got confused. Who is Kim Hyori to him?

"Remember when you attend a funeral of a student last month. That was her."  He said to the teacher.  Hyunmin just nodded as he listened to Doyoung's story. He understood the problem here. She must have been living in hell while trying to moving on from the fact that her father's dead. 

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