We Made It

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I wrote that a long time ago

Word count: 1926


When Harry and Louis started dating, it was all very overwhelming for both of them.

Harry and Louis have known each other for basically their whole life, as they grew up as neighbors and Harry is only a few moths older than Louis.

When Harry just turned 15 and Louis was still fourteen, Harry came out to Louis as gay. Louis of course supported him. He was even the one who encouraged Harry to tell his mum, sister and stepdad since Louis was certain that they would accept him. And Louis was right. Apparently, Anne always suspected something like that, Robin and Gemma still loved Harry the same.

Roughly 2 weeks later, Harry told Niall, Liam and Zayn. Niall said that he wondered for quite a while now and that he had a faint idea about it, while Liam and Zayn were quite surprised, but took it rather well. No matter what, all five of them would always stay friends.

You see, Niall knew Harry longer than Liam and Zayn did. Harry and Louis met Niall in first grade, while Liam and Zayn joined their friend group in middle school. That’s why Niall had more time to think about it.

In school, Harry never officially came out, but he didn’t really try to hide it. Over the months he became more confident with his choice clothes, even wore some more feminine things, which he was admired for by some people at school. Of course, there were some negative comments and there came some more when he started to paint his nails, but he chose to ignore those because his friends supported him.

However, even though Harry knew he liked boys for a long time, he never had a boyfriend. But he certainly had a big crush. On his best friend, Louis. He never told the younger boy because he was not even sure, if Louis liked boys.


About 10 months after Harry came out, Louis arrived at his doorstep late in the evening. To say Harry was surprised to see the younger boy turning up at his house at 10pm on a school night was an understatement. And to see him crying made Harry feel that something is seriously wrong right away, especially because Louis never cried.

As soon as he saw Louis standing there with teary streaks on his cheeks, he let him in his house, closed the door, engulfed him in a big hug and let him cry in his shoulder. After about 5 minutes Louis looked up at his taller friend and quietly thanked him. The two boys went up in Harry’s room and cuddled in his bed.

“You want to talk about what’s wrong or just stay here for a bit”, Harry asked.

“I don’t know”, Louis answered quietly, “can we just cuddle a bit?”

“Sure Lou, do you want something to eat or to drink?”

“No, thanks Haz.”

They stayed like this for half an hour when Louis gained the courage to speak up “I can talk to you about anything, right?”

“Of course, Lou. I promise to just listen if you want me to or I can give you my famous Harry-advice or can tell you some jokes”, Harry said jokingly.

“I just do not know what to do”, Louis said and quietly started crying again, “I feel like I’m overreacting and when I tell you why, I’m scared you’ll never talk to me again.”

“I would never leave you, no matter what it is, you know that.”

“I- I talked to Lottie about this earlier this day and she told me to come here and talk to you because she doesn’t really know how to help me.”

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