The journey through Indonesia

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'What is up with these forests? They are everywhere and how big are they?' I slowly walk further into the rainforest area. Everywhere I went there were sounds all around me through the starry night after my first battle with sirens and first contact with humans which didn't end up well and I'm pretty sure they are probably going to try to hunt me down seeing as I was a threat to their country.

'Fuck this damn rainforest or whatever I'll go to sleep.' I cursed as I felt my eyelids grow a little heavy and with that, I found a place to try to sleep which was a tree with tall bushes covering it and it was pretty much perfect as no one would see me unless they were very tall or they wanted to find something behind the tree and both were pretty much rare occurrences so I thought nothing about me being discovered and I slowly laid down and closed my eyelids and tried to sleep which was almost hell with the noises becoming louder but eventually I did it.

The next day I woke up with sunlight shining down on me and with the direction I was facing it was either near noon or just afternoon which I solved by taking out a compass which was onboard and finding which direction was north and with that and my small knowledge of geography and compass reading skills, I found out it was almost noon which meant I had hours of time to find my way to Jakarta the capital of Indonesia and with the map, I found onboard the ship, I could find where to go from there.

'Hopefully, no one knows my face, or else I'm going to get called out and the military would go after me.' I say to myself as I slowly start walking through the forest again. This time however I did not need to go far as I see some trails leading somewhere which probably was either a village or a city and both were good but leading to a city would be a better option as I could try to find a map of which part of Indonesia I was which would help me plot where to go better.

After a few minutes of walking down the trail, I could hear talking which I didn't understand as it was all spoken in languages that I didn't understand but it was likely Indonesian. When I finally got out of the rainforest, I looked around and found out it was a small but quite populated area and I went ahead and tried to find something that would help me locate my position in Indonesia.

After a while of looking around, I located where I was which was near the city of Surabaya. If I continued west I would arrive at Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, which I would then go to the westmost island and to the northern coast to arrive at Singapore the quickest. I started walking to Surabaya and I would arrive there after some time with figuring out how things worked in Indonesia.

Trying to figure something out while not understanding it is harder than I thought I guess. Everything was spoken in languages that I don't understand and even when there were some English speakers, due to poor socialising skills I failed to gather the courage to speak to all but one person who was very helpful in guiding me through how to get other cities the fastest.

I thanked the man for his help and continued my way to Jakarta but as I traveled, the sunlight dimmed for hours until it was completely dark except for lampposts, I turned the last bend and was greeted with lights illuminating the black starry skies. It was colorful and as I walked through the busy streets I could go local sightseeing at some of the places found there.

I decided that it would be better to rest up first and continue my way to the nearest point to move to either Singapore by sea via beaches or through mainland Malaysia and sneak into Singapore, both of which would not be easy, however, if I moved at the correct time no one would really notice a girl moving across the water and plus, no one is really at the beaches at 1-4 am

I decided that choosing the way would be more suited when I nearly reach the strait of malacca. I walk through the streets which now were mostly deserted as it reached 4 am in the morning. I find an alleyway and thought of nothing better to find a place to rest and as I slowly sit down near a wall I try to get comfortable before closing my eyes and sleeping.

notes: haha would've liked to update this wayyyyyy earlier but I was busy researching (totally not making an excuse that I was playing games Instead of writing) but anyways I definitely had trouble trying to write about other countries I've never really visited so yeah really hoped I stopped procrastinating but don't worry the next chapter should come out way faster (maybe)

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