lay me down

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*on the phone.

Natalie:Morning doc,this is Natalie Williams,I was calling for my next appointment.

Doctor Forbe:oh Mrs Williams yes yes you have an appointment today with me at 11:00 on the dot.

Natalie:oh I just wanted to confirm that Doc,thank you.

Doctor Forbe:okay Ma'am. Have a nice day.


>>she drops the call and cleans her house.


Natalie Xolo, the 29 year old, ex Mrs Williams was married to a wealthy man,Benson Williams .

cleaning her house with a little bit of confidence. Shortly After cleaning the whole house,she called her mother in law,Jojo Williams.

On the phone with Grandma.

Natalie:good morning mom,how are you?

Grandma:I'm good thanks my child,how are you?

Natalie:I'm feeling okay today. I'm.....its..

Grandma:is it Benson?

Natalie:I haven't seen him since yesterday morning. I'm beginning to get worried,might open a missing..

Grandma:let me stop you right there,That person is drunk,doesn't know where the hell he is. Don't worry yourself okay?take it easy.

Natalie:(sighs). Where's Chico?

Grandma:oh she's here playing with her friends.

Natalie:please send my greetings,tell her I miss her.


Natalie:right, let me continue to clean...

Grandma:and don't stress okay?

Natalie: I won't.

Grandma: bye.


she hung up and started to hum her favorite song all the way to her bedroom. She opens her walkin' closet full of clothes swifts around anyhow,choosing any dress she wants so that she can go to the doctor.
Making her way to the shower. A short while she dresses up,style her braids and off she goes to her car and drives to the doctor.Not quiet expected,he wasn't full like always.

Natalie:I guess I'm the only one.

she parks her car and walks in. Finding no one there but the receptionist. after a long wait,the doctor comes in and leads the way for Natalie. Placing her mini bag and phone next to the empty chair.

Doctor Forbe:Natalie,how are you?(smiles).

Natalie:I'm well doctor. And according to my health I've been okay actually.

Doctor Forbe:No more pains?

Natalie:there are petty pains but I just eat and then take the medication to numb the pain but...I'm okay(smiles)

Doctor Forbe:it is good to hear that. Most patients with Breast cancer normally don't respond to the medication well,I tend to keep them in the hospital for more observations and everything.

Natalie:I'm pretty sure I wouldn't end up there.

Doctor Forbe:you won't but I will need your husband for this. Its a tough one Natalie.

Natalie:my hus..(clears throat)my husband?I'm here.. aren't I?

Doctor Forbe:yes but from him he shouldn't be stressing you,making you eat unhealthy foods and the list goes on and you know it. So from him l'll need his nursing skills.

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