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Martínez stood up with his assistant

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Martínez stood up with his assistant. He didn't trust Nakeisha, but he was going to find out if it was a trap. He know about Councilman Rashad Tate, and now he knew where was the body too.

He was suspicious because she was missing from the house for a month, and then she came back with information. He thought that maybe she was scared, but it didn't make sense.

As soon as he heard what she said he tried to trust her, it was her daughter, even though she wasn't his blood, he had raised that girl.

''Ray, you have to find everything that is going on. I don't know yet if we can trust her.''

''You want me to follow her?''

''No, not yet.''


''I can't believe you told me bullshit to protect the plan.'' Told Cane to Nakeisha going out of the shower.

''It is what it is. Now you now, stop being a pain in the ass.''

''What is the next step?''

''Martínez doesn't trust me, so he'll try to find out everything we are doing.'' Nakeisha sighed. ''Supossedly I'm here to bring him information about you and your family. We have to tell him the truth the first time so he can trust me, then we have everything we need to kill him.''

''You want to pull the trigger so bad that you are going to snitch on us!''

''Fuck Cane, that's part of the fucking plan. Monet agreed. And if you don't, fuck off.''

''Whatever you say!'' Nakeisha was trying to get the pieces together but Cane being angry about the plan was something she didn't want to deal with.

''You know! That man killed my mother, not yours. Of course I want to pull the trigger, but I'm doing this to help you too. Do you think that after he kills me he's going to let you live?''

''Fuck Keisha, I know it's your mother, but you are risking too much if he finds out.''

''Cane stop. I know, but he is going to kill all of us if we don't do nothing!''

Nakeisha sighed again, she was tired of course. All she wanted was to kill Martínez and continue with her life. 

''I'm worried about you, I don't fucking Care about myself, ya hear me?'' She nodded. ''It's killing me that is you who is going to share space with a man who clearly wants you dead.''

''He is not going to kill me if the plan stays the same. So please, help me and stop saying bullshit. I want this to end as soon as posible.''

Nakeisha didn't feel good about anything. She was sad about her mother's death, and she wished that she didn't have to kill Martínez.


''Where did you find the body? If you don't tell us you'll be a suspect on the investigation.''

''I can't tell you yet, but I will. Just call me if you find anything.''

''All right.''

Short chapter, I'm sorry. I have a lot of homework and things to do, but I promise I'll keep updating. On Tuesday we'll have double chapter. Thank you.

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