Chapter 6- Stubborn

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Chapter 6- Stubborn

PJ's PoV

She stopped in the middle of the pavement, then i was about to tap her shoulder but she started running off at full speed. Oh my god is she fast. Then she started to run down alleyways. I'd sooner or later lose her so i stopped. Why was she so stubborn to talk to me? I mean Lori was always Stubborn... Even more reasons for me to believe she's actually Lori.  God dammit, why am i such a dumb ass? I gave up on chasing her and started walking towards the hotel. 

I pretty much ignored the whole world and sat in my hotel room. I left my phone in my bag and every 5 minutes it would go off. Why wont people just leave me alone? I sighed and ran my ingers through my hair. I thought for a moment then i decided to film a video... I'm not sure what about but i'll decide soon.

Lorna's PoV

I wondered about London for a while. I needed to clear my head. I was such a stubborn bitch sometimes. I ask for him then i try to avoid him? Good job lorna... I look to the sky and its starting to get dark. I Sigh and decide to walk to Andrea's. Maybe she can help me.

 **  Later  ** 

I knock on her door and she answers it with a warming smile. 

"Hey there" She says kindly.

"Hi, Andy, can i stay with you for a while?" I ask uncertainly.

"Yeah sure!" She chirps happily. I smile at her and she closes the door. I walk about and i go into her spare room. I place my guitar carefully on the bed and i leave it there. I walk back out and Andy's rushing about trying to sort her hair out.

"Need any help?" I offer. 

"Um... No i don't thanks." She replies. 

"Where you off too anyway?" I ask looking through her fridge for a bottle of water.

"Going on a date." She says rushing about.

"Aw well done cupcake." I congratulate her. She gives me an awkward smile. 

"What brings you here anyway?" She says filling our silence.

"Oh some... Stuff happened." I reply. 

"Is it to do with PJ?" She asks tentatively. I nod in reply.

"Aw Babe, don't worry about it... maybe he'll come through..." She said giving me a hug. I sigh. Andrea is pretty much the only person who i told about PJ and my childhood.

"Don't you have a date to go to?" I say more harshly than intended. she gave me the 'i'm sorry' Smile before nodding. She picked up her bag and went to the door

"You gunna be ok?" She asked with sensitivity

"Yeah, go enjoy your date." I say encoraging her to go. she gives me a hopeful smile before walking out of the house and closing it behind her. I sighed. Some alone time. Thats all i need.

I walked around her home, knowing where everywhere is. I grabbed some towels and got in the shower.

ten minutes later i was out of the shower and in some of Andrea's clothes. we are the same size so it's easy. I towel dried my hair and it fell in soft waves. I walked into her kitchen and looked through her cupboards. I grabbed a bottle of water and a packet of chewits. I love chewits. I padded about her home and walked into her office. Her computer was left on the youtube homepage. Typical. On there it said that kickthepj had uploaded a new video. Ok then... I left it one the homepage. I really didnt want to watch his videos. I walked away from her office and into the spare room. I twirled a strand of my hair around my finger. I took a look in my guitar case and kept my eyes glues to the engraving. maybe i should give him a chance. That's the least i should give him... right? I'll sleep on it. Yeah. I'll probably go find him tomorrow. If i can that is. Joy of my life, wondering around london for one man. Yay...

** The next day **

"i'm going out andy, i'm not sure when i'll be back." I say to her . She turns around on the sofa and says

"Yeah kay, see ya!" Before turning back to her laptop. I roll my eyes but she doesnt see. Internet addict. I open the door and walk out of her home. The search begins. Probably the best place to start is starbucks. The only place where i know where ive seen PJ.

PJ's PoV 

I sit in starbucks constantly checking to see if she shows up outside. Come on lorna, please. I really want to talk to you. I take a sip from my coffee and sigh. Maybe she's purposely staying away from here. Just as i was about to get up and go, i feel someone tap my shoulder.i turn my head and i see lorna standing there twirling her hair around her finger.

"Hi." Is all i seem to be able to say. 

"Hiya." She replies shyly. She bites her lip softly probably in thought.

"You wanna chat?" I ask stupidly. She nods and a giggle escapes her lips. She takes the seat opposite me. What to say, what to say. Well its got to be something meaningful, come on PJ, dont be so dumb! I hear her clear her throat and she whispers

"Look PJ, I know you must be a little... Suprised. But please. All i want is for you to trust me." i stare at her, not knowing quite what to say. I just stand up and walk round to the other side of the table she stands up as well with a confused look on her face. I wrap my arms around her delicate figure. 

"I missed you lori." i whisper in her ear. 

"I missed you to PJ" She whispers back. This brings a smile to my face. I have my lori back. 

A/N: OMG I updated it two weeks later! :O Ok so this is short... i just know it... but its an update. Yeah.... sorry bout that.its half term for me and so no school for a week is a chance for me to update. if i can i shall get another update done but i am also writing other stuff for future. so yeah, hope everyone enjoyed valentines day in their own special way. I enjoyed mine with chocolate and the internet :3 So yeah :3 Hope you guys are all ok with um... life and i shall ttyl STAY AWESOME BYYYYYEEEEEEeee

~Robyn xxx

Why did I even trust you? (A KickThePJ FanFic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now