Part 24 ''Double meeting (part 3)''

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?: My name is Herrera!
Nicole: How did it come about?
Herrera: Titi created me to protect you!
Ida: Haha! To protect her! She doesn't even have a gift!
Bakugo: Who told you to talk?
Herrera: Are you the one who thinks he can beat a girl?
Ida: Yes!
Herrera: You were very wrong!
Bakugo: Herera!
Herrera: Yes
(he grabs her and puts her on Nicole's shoulder)
Nicole: Herrera, please calm down.
Herrera: (calms down) I'm sorry.
Bakugo: There is nothing. And welcome to U.A.!
(teacher enters)
?: Everyone sit in your seats!
(everyone sits down)
?: I am your class teacher Shota Aizawa!
(he tells them to introduce themselves and tell their gifts)
Nicole: Hello! My name is Nicole Nikolaeva. My gift is "Purple Power" she represents this bracelet.
Girls: Cool!
Ida: Dumb. This is not even a gift!
Nicole: It's much more than a gift. She is the source of my life.
Ida: TSK!
In Nicole's mind: "He's so rude. They didn't know how to behave with a girl. I'll teach him to talk to a normal girl ...."
To be continued...

My hero academia (with the participation of Nicole Nikolaeva)Where stories live. Discover now