Chapter Thirty-Four

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—Fields of Basan, Medyulana—

This man couldn't be for real. No one was this ridiculous in real life, right? It had to be a joke, an incredibly poor, not-funny-at-all-joke. Yet, despite it really not being funny, Rhenna found that all she wanted to do was laugh, loudly, and in this man's face. After the initial chaos of their first meeting, he had introduced himself as Raler, a Silencer of the Path of Light. To her aunts' and uncle's increasing frustration, he had remained there for the last two days, an unwelcome guest, and his favorite pastime seemed to be watching her and trying to get her to laugh.

He leaned casually on the fence that encircled her parents' home, an impressive display of balance on the thin railing as his dark red eyes trailed languidly up her body in an appreciative gesture. His impossibly red hair was short and spiky, a few longer strands about his face brushed by the warm breeze. He lounged in what he probably assumed was a seductive pose, with his shirt left open to expose most of his chest. He lifted the apple in his right hand and took a slow bite. Some of the juice slipped down his chin. His tongue darted out and traced his lips as he watched her. Rhenna rolled her eyes.

"Come on, don't trust me yet?" he grinned at her. "Even after I've been so nice? I'm a gentleman, promise, both in and out of bed."

"Why do you even wear a shirt?" Rhenna crossed her arms over her chest. "It serves no purpose."

"If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask, sweet girl." He reached down to unbutton the rest of his shirt, but he was stopped by a blade pressed against his throat. He held up his hands, though his gaze remained trained on her.

"She's sixteen, you perv," Aunt Gael snarled.

"He's harmless," Rhenna sighed, preferring that Aunt Gael not slit this man's throat. He did save her life after all. "Ridiculous but harmless."

"Ah, see, I knew you'd like me!" his red eyes lit up excitedly, and Rhenna had to remind herself not to laugh. "But that's fine. I can wait a few years for a sweet girl like her. Makes no difference when ya got the years to spare."

"I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-foot pole."

"Don't want you to. Would rather have those pretty little hands on me."

There wasn't time to react. A hand suddenly gripped the red head by his hair and flung him backwards. His tumbling body just missed the small garden of dreamer flowers. Uncle Aeric rushed forward, bringing his massive two-handed sword down upon the man's prone form. But Raler was ready for it, rolling out of the way without needing to see the attack. He made it to his feet and unhooked his tonfa from his belt in one fluid motion. He moved effortlessly about, blocking each of Uncle Aeric's attacks with ease, even stopping to wink at her every now and then. Yet, his showmanship left him vulnerable. Too busy trying to impress her, he forgot Uncle Aeric wasn't the only one he was fighting. Aunt Eleana struck him in the back with a bolt of ice that made him stumble. Uncle Aeric took advantage of his misfortune, kicking him into the side of the house. The man groaned, his tonfa dropped. Uncle Aeric raised his sword, intending to kill him then and there. Rhenna darted between them, hands reaching out to block the attack. She gripped her uncle's wrists, keeping him in place with her Tor'Varyan strength.

"Rhenna, move," Uncle Aeric commanded, but she shook her head and shoved him backwards.

"He saved my life," she argued as she spun around and knelt down beside the man. He grimaced as he sat up. The ice had pierced his sides, blood soaking through the rips in his already useless shirt. "There's no reason to kill him. He's not going to hurt me."

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