Lets Not Give The Game Away (You Me At Six one shot)

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It was a cold December morning and the last date of You Me At Six's tour. Meet and Greets we're all sorted and in order, and Josh, Max, Dan, Chris and Matt were all ready to go and meet their fans. They could hear the loud slow cheers of 'You Me At Six' through the doors.

Holly was standing right at the back of the room with her bestfriend Imogen. Chanting at the same time as all the other fans in the room. Their eyes were set on the two white doors at the front of the room, they could see the split in the door gradually get wider as the chanting become louder and faster, chants become screams, screams became shrieks.

As soon as Josh could see all of the fans his eyes shot to Holly at the back, and Max's shot to Imogen. It was instant. Like they already knew eachother from that first glance. Josh, Max and the rest of You Me At Six slowly moved through the crowd gradually getting closer to the two friends. It was like to each of them, everyone else disappeared once they had signes what they had, and taken a few pictures. Until it ended up that it was like Max and Imogen or Josh and Holly were the only two in the room even though there were about 50 other people in the room. It was like someone had ordered all the people in the room to make a line with each girl at the end.

They finally got to the friends and Josh signed Holly's Album and Poster and then took a few pictures with her, Imogen and Max did the same and Max but it wasn't until Imogen got out after the gig that she looked through her pictures and at the bottom of the last picture of the one with her and Max together was it that she realised that Max Helyer was holding up a sign that read 'Meet me backstage after the show i'll be in dressing room 8' Imogen gasped and pulled Holly over to her and zoomed into the picture of the camera.

They both went to the backstage door and said to the doorman that Max was expecting them. The door man checked his clipboard to see if their names had been put on 'the list'. He nodded and made way for them to go inside. Imogen and Holly both looked at each door they passed and finally found the right one at the end of the corridor. Max left a note on the door for Holly 'Turn around and go into room 4 that's where everyone is. Max. x' Holly left Imogen and turnt around looking for room 4. Imogen waited until Holly had found it and they both entered the room's together.

As Holly stepped inside she was met by Dan, she explained what was happening and showed him the note. Dan laughed and escorted Holly to go and sit down on the sofa next to Josh and Matt who were playing xbox. Chris was taking a sip from a can of beer over the other side of the room, Dan went and sat next to Chris and paused Josh and Matt's game of Fifa. He then explained what Max was up to and they all laughed because it was typical Max, going after avgirl he had just met. Matt got up to go and have a shower and Josh moved closer to Holly who was sat the other side of the sofa. He offered her a game of Fifa, and she gladly accepted. It was like they were bestfriends having only known eachother about and hour. They got to know eachother throughout the game incidently and soon realised that everyone else in the room had left to do something else. They stopped the game and just sat crossed-legged and began talking to each other properly.

Meanwhile, Max and Imogen were in 'Room 8' which was barely a room, more of a corridor with stairs leading up to the roof. There you could find the two sat just talking, getting to know each other with a bottle of wine between them. It was as real as it gets. Max gets up, leaving Imogen confused, He walks over to the stairs and opens the door, but walks back out carrying an acoustic guitar. Max sat down and began strumming a tune on the perfectly tuned guitar, He played a sweet love song to Imogen and they both swayed until it come to the singing where Max refused to sing leaving Imogen singing quietly the lyrics. They both started to become comfortable with each other as if they have been friends for a long time.

Morning arose and Max awoke to a sleeping Imogen, she smiled and she slowly opened her eyes smiling as she did noticing that Max was as close as close can get next to her. They both go up and Max placed a small kiss on Imogen's head, Imogen moved her head up and put her hands around Max's head and closed her eyes edging towards each other until their lips met. To Max, Imogen was perfect and to Imogen, Max was perfect.

Josh and Holly were already awake, because they were aloud to stay in the venue until morning they thought it was better than sleeping in the bus. They both stayed up all night talking, playing fifa and talking, and playing more xbox games. They got on so well. They were both perfect for each other but they didnt realise it, Josh was falling for another girl, Holly was falling for Josh. But the more time they spent together the more Josh stated to fall for her. Oh my goodness, he can't deny it.

Seeming as that was the last date of tour, You Me At Six decided to celebrate. Everyone including Holly and Imogen were going out for dinner. But they had nothing to wear so Josh and Max took them both out shopping for a new outfit. Holly came back with a cream long dress with shoes and a bag, and Immy came back with a blue dress, shoes and a bag. They were going to a restaraunt in town that had the best food ever. Holly and Immy's excitement levels were beyond anything.

Max came into the dressing room where Imogen was getting ready and oulled out a silver chain necklace with 'M&I' on it. imogen fell into Max with happieness, With this, Max asked Imogen if she wanted to be his girlfriend. With no hesitaion, Imogen said yes. Although it was rushed Max didnt mind because he really liked Imogen.

Finally, Josh had the courage to make a move on Holly before they left. Then everyone left to go to the restaraunt. They walked into town because it wasn't that far away, all the way down there Josh and Holly were holding hands, doing everything a girlfriend and boyfriend would do, except they weren't together.

Josh and Holly. Holly and Josh. Perfect, but they just couldn't see that.

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