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Quick thank you to @Loni13344 for dragging me out of my pit of residence and motivating me to get back to this! Their request was: "Hey for your draco imagines can you do where draco finds out the reader is related to Harry or Voldemort?" The answer is absolutely! Here you go!


When you break the news to Draco, he's shocked for a minute. You? Related to Voldemort? It can't be; you're nothing like that horrid monster who manipulated him for so many years. He comes to terms with it slowly, eventually realizing that he'll love you no matter who you are. Voldemort may have done awful things to him, but you were always there for him through that. You would always make him laugh when he was having his worst days, and surprise him with his favorite food to motivate him to eat when he felt stressed. He stays with you even though you're related to his enemy, though family gatherings will always be awkward.

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