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Felix carries two large plastic bags with containers filled with food made by Minho to Jisung's dorm. He was there because Minho made the food in a rush and he was conveniently placed in the kitchen when Minho was in need of help. And who is he to not help his members?

Felix had also wanted to bake some food for his members for a while, so this seemed like the perfect time. For some reason, cheesecake pops into his mind.

So, along with the food Minho made, there were also some desserts for his beloved members in the other dorm in the bags.

Felix rings the doorbell one time. Waits. And the door opens with one swift move.

"Woah, didn't know you were coming, Felix!" Chan's eyebrows rise and his eyes widen.

Felix lightly laughs at Chan's shock. "Yeah, Minho-hyung made some food for us and made a 'bit too much' in his words." Felix makes air quotes on the 'bit too much' part. Chan chuckles at the implication. Minho being a softie on the inside is a popular opinion.

Felix lifts up his arm where the bags hung to show Chan proof of the food.

Chan invites him into the dorm, which isn't so different from Felix's. Just a little bit more messy.

They make their way to the kitchen counter, Felix placing the two plastic bags on them. Chan looks curiously inside one of the bags, prodding hands grabbing at it.

"There's cheesecake!" Chan gasps, immediately taking out the sweet treat boxed in a clear plastic container.

At the mention of cheesecake, a familiar pair of cheeks emerges from the corner. The Australians were too occupied to notice the presence of another.

"Yeah, I made them because I thought a sweet treat for you guys would be nice." Felix helps Chan unpack all the food from the plastic bags.

"Cheesecake?" A quiet voice makes Chan and Felix turn toward the sound. Jisung now stands there, just peeking through the corner with his oversized clothes that  he practially drowns in. Felix thinks Jisung looks...cute. What?

"Oh, Hannie! Come here, Felix brought us a bunch of goodies!" Chan makes a sign with his hands for Jisung to come over.

Jisung pads his way over to the counter where Chan placed the cheesecake, already expecting Jisung to act like this. His hands went toward the cheesecake and snatched it away. Jisung's hands then fly to a drawer and he pulls a fork out of it.

Jisung takes a seat at the island counter, digging into the treat. Not that Felix notices or whatever, but Jisung's cheeks puff up in a way that makes him look— Felix doesn't want to think anymore. Too much Jisung for the brain is unhealthy.

"Not even a thank you?" Felix points out.

Jisung chews a little and makes a sound of contentment before responding, "Did you fall from heaven? Because you're an angel."

Felix didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Jisung just said the most corniest and cringiest line in English. English.

Chan seems to have chosen to laugh, stumbling a little. He hunches over with a hand over his stomach, finding the situation absoloutely hilarious.

Felix notices Jisung folding into himself a little, taking another bite.

"Oh my god, Jisung, where did you learn that?" Felix exasperately questions, leaning on the counter. His palms pressed against the cold marble.

"I don't know, I found it online and thought it was good." Felix barely caught onto the last few words Jisung said because he got a little quieter. Was he ashamed?

Chan suddenly appears by Jisung's side, hand on Jisung's shoulder. He hugs Jisung closer and snuggles into Jisung's cheek. "Oh, my first kid is growing so fast."

Jisung groans and tries to shove Chan away. "Hyung! Get away from me!" He laughs as he weakly pushes Chan's head off of him, squishing the elder's cheek in the process.

Chan is a merciful guy. He lets Jisung go after a firm pat on the head.

"I think I'm going to finish this in my room and write some lyrics." Jisung announces, gripping the plate of cheesecake in preparation to depart.

"Alrighty." Chan nods, as if sending Jisung away, and Jisung goes back into the dark corner he came out of.

Felix's eyes linger on Jisung's retreating figure for a few seconds too long. He probably would've stared a few more seconds longer if he didn't have to help Chan unpack all the food.

"Han has been getting so cheesy with his lyrics these days," Chan sighs, putting a container of kimchi into the fridge.

Felix tilts his head, passing another container filled with meat to Chan to place in the fridge. "Really? What kind of cheesy?"

"The romantic cheesy," Chan says in English.

Felix chuckles and passes Chan the last few containers of food. "Interesting."

"Yeah, I've seen him sneak out a few times too. I just hope he tells us so we can sort things out cause I'm sure JYP won't be nice." Chan leans on the fridge when he closes it. "I wonder who it is."

Felix feels his heart pang, just slightly, at the news.

He folds the two empty plastic bags with tense muscles.

He hums in agreement, "I wonder too."

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