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REMINDER! Go eat sushi w/ han jisung
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Tuesday in the afternoon, just as Felix said.

He did sort out his feelings, kind of. And Felix decided to invite Jisung to the pair's favorite place to eat: the sushi restaurant with all their debut memories. They also knew the owners personally, so that was a bonus.

Felix took a particularly long time dressing up today, deciding to finally do his hair. It went decently well, considering he only copied the techniques of the hair stylists.

Decked out in a mask and dark sunglasses to cover almost all of his face, he feels ready to go out in public to eat with Han Jisung. Jisung is dressed just like Felix, except with baggier clothes and a beanie instead of sunglasses.

The sushi place wasn't that far, it was only a fifteen minute walk. They were well, fit, and strong idols; a fifteen minute walk is fine.

A soft bell rings when they enter, and they bee-line to the back of the sushi restaurant.

The owner immediately recognizes them despite their disguises, and the sweet grandma approaches them with a smile and a menu.

"You guys have grown so much! What's the occasion?" The old lady's eyes crease and her signature croaky voice reminds the pair just how sweet the lady is.

Jisung laughs a little at the owner's comment, "We're just on break so we decided to go out and eat!"

The owner nods slowly, smile still plastered bright and big. "Oh, really? The order's on the house then!" She winks and chuckles.

"What? Miss, no we couldn't!" Felix desperately insists. The owner has done so much for him ever since his debut, always comforting him with the work of her food.

The owner wags a finger infront of the two men, "Nope! Tell me your order now."

It takes a while for them to finally order, still arguing that they should pay, but grandmas are persistent.

"Um, shrimp tempura rolls for me, miss," Jisung manages to say - the first one to break.

The owner makes a sound of happiness, turning her head to face Felix. He reluctantly orders, a bit upset that Jisung caved in so soon.

"Philadelphia rolls for me, miss, thank you so much," Felix slightly bows in his position. Jisung copies him to show his respect for the owner.

"On it!" The owner strides away leaving the two men alone.

Jisung looks around the place before taking off his mask and beanie off. Felix does the same with his garments.

For some reason, Jisung's eyes linger a bit on Felix. Specifically his face.

Usually Felix doesn't mind, but he suddenly minds right now.

"You look good today, Felix," Jisung looks down, whispering the compliment. Or was it a flirt? Felix doesn't know.

"I would totally kiss you." That was a flirt.

The last sentence is barely above a whisper and Felix doesn't have any idea how he caught it. His heart thumps at the image of them kissing. Only kissing, nothing else; the national sign for intimacy and love.

Felix strums his fingers on the table they sat at, resting his head on the palm of his other hand. "I would kiss you, too."

Felix doesn't know where this confidence stems from, though he's glad he's built it.

Jisung looks bewildered to put it simply. His mouth slightly open, eyes wide as they sparkle under the dim lights of the restaurant.

"You- You would?" Jisung grimaces due to the voice crack in his question.

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