The Desert 🏜

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(A/N) Heya all! Sooooo I'm writing a book. Yay. I might not update much but I really hope you'll enjoy the story! Make sure to vote and comment! Love yall!!!

I felt the hot sun burn into my skin. I couldn't move. Even if I wanted to, my muscles would protest. All I see is darkness, the quietness is alarming. I open my eyes hesitantly, afraid of what I might see. Sand. All that is around me is sand. Hundreds of kilometers of hot, yellow sand surrounds my still body. I can hear voices coming closer, my heart leaping in panic. I can't remember why I'm out here.... wait... a memory flickers in my mind. I push the memory to open up, the vision surrounding my mind. People in white lab coats block my view of anything around me. It feels more like a dream then a flashback. The people tell me about a task I must perform for them, something about making people trust something called WICKED. A blonde woman walks up to my past self, a clipboard in her hands. "Hello, I am Docter Ava Paige. I am here to tell you about your mission. We will be putting you into a desert, along with a few others. You must lead a group of boys to the mountains, there you will find our WICKED soldiers ready to take the boys hostage." She chuckles at her own joke. After a few seconds she regains her composure, talking to me in a cold voice. "We have been looking for these boys for awhile now and they have escaped our facilities a few times. This time we will not fail. That is your mission, Melody. Do not fail us. Remember, WICKED is good." And with that, Docter Ava and her associates fade from my mind. The voices that I heard before the memory are now very close to me, whispering in hushed voices. I strain my ears to hear what they are saying.

    * * * Newt's POV * * *

We've been stuck out in this desert for three bloody days. After we left Brenda and Jorje's safe building, they suggested it would be better to get to the Safe Haven by desert. They have only a rough idea of where their going, which is definitely bloody helpful to us. Thomas has been moping around and acting really strange since we lost Chuck, I'm getting real worried about him. I look behind me and see Thomas trudging along behind Brenda. I know Brenda fancies him, but he's oblivious. No matter what we do we can't get him to act the same again. I turn my head forwards again and wipe my sweaty brow. The desert is bloody hot. I squint my eyes and see a figure lying on the sand a few meters away. "Hey, Brenda? You better come see this." I shout over my shoulder. I limp over towards the body, my legs screaming at me for a rest. As I near the still figure, I quickly realize the feminine body. "It's... a... girl?" I say confused. Brenda appears next to me as we both kneel down and check the girl for injuries. She starts to stir, her eyes flitting open. Her eyes grow wide as she stands up and pins me to the ground, my arms stuck to my sides by her firm but gentle grip. She's sitting on my stomach, holding my legs down with her thighs. Bloody hell, she's gorgeous. Her long brown hair flows down her back like a waterfall, her piercing green eyes hold my gaze. She has a curvy figure and her- noooo nope no. Don't go there Newt, you just met her. She smirks at me, her eyes closing as she giggles. "See something you like?" Her warm smile makes me chuckle. "Well, at the moment your the only thing I can see." Her smile drops as she jumps up and scrambles gracefully off of me. "Sorry! Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was... checking you weren't going to kill me?" She giggles at the bewildered look on my face. "Your face reminds me of a hedgehog! Their cute and have adorable noses. Ooh! And their SPIKES!!! The spikes make them look all tough but actually their just cute and cuddly!" She starts giggling hysterically. I blush at her comment, looking down at my feet. "Soooo... is this chick coming with us or not?" Asks Brenda. She silently puts her gun  back in her belt, having pulled it out when the girl jumped on me. I dident even realize what the girl was wearing. She has a leather holster top on and very short Jean shorts. Damn, those legs. NEWT COME ON DONT BE LIKE MINHO!!! Speaking of Minho... I turn towards the other boys who are jogging over to where we are. "Newt?! What the shuck was that? That person could've been a cran-" Minho stops midsentance and looks the girl up and down. All the boys have now joined us and are all doing the same thing.  The girl giggles again. "Jeez, you boys sure aren't shy are you?" She puts one hand on her hip and the other over her mouth, smothering her giggles. "Aw come on now thats not fair. Stop teasing us by looking so hot." Gally bites his lip as he looks at her hips. She blushes and removes her hand off of her mouth and hip. "I guess introductions are in order? I'm Melody. Who are you?" Gally steps forward first, holding out his strong and calloused hand for Melody to shake. "I'm Gally. The handsome one. Over theres Thomas, the reckless one. Theres Minho, the sassy one. There's Winston, he doesn't really have a title. There's Jorje, the smart one. Behind you there is Brenda, the REALLY smart one. And next to me here is Newt, the funny and kind one." Gally goes around and points us all out as he says this and Melody shakes our hands when our names are called. As she shakes my hand, she smiles at me shyly, making my cheeks burn up. Her smile is so adorable. When she reaches Brenda, she jumps up and gives Brenda a hug. "Yes!!!" She screams. "Another GIRL!! Atleast I won't be alone with all these boys." Brenda smiles widely  and returns the hug. Melody is very short so Brenda has to bend down a little to return her hug. As they pull away, a faint scream sounds from the horizon. "We better find shelter, I'd rather take my chances in a building full of cranks than a desert full of cranks." Thomas says solemnly. Brenda nods and points to a building a little ways off from where we are. "Over there. Maybe we can resupply." We all nod and slowly walk over to the lopsided building. Melody slows down her pace so she can walk next to me. Everyone else is walking in pairs infront of us, the boys all giving me dirty looks. "So!" Melody says cheerfully, skipping slowly next to me. Curse my limp. "So..." I say quietly. Melody looks me up and down and notices my limp. "Newt, why do you limp?" She asks me curiously. I can tell by the smile on her face that she's probably not digging for information and that she's probably never seen a greaver before. That smile is way to innocent for The Maze. "Well..." I start. She slows down her skipping and starts walking instead. She walks patiently with me, waiting for my answer. "I used to be in a maze." I say shakily. Melody notices my shaky voice and turns down her smile so it's very faint. She puts a hand on my arm and whispers to me. "You don't have to tell me if it's a sensitive subject for you Newt." I sigh gratefully, smiling down at her. "Thanks. Maybe you could tell me about hedgehogs instead? I've never seen one." I say, striking up conversation. Her eyes widen and she starts telling me all about hedgehogs for the rest of the journey towards the building.

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