he felt like himself again

7 0 0

    Weeks had gone by and you were progressing extremely fast. You'd bonded better with the team and now you were even friends. Natasha was your favorite, she was kind and looked out for you. Like the older sister I never had. A close second was Thor, he was nice and funny, and brightened up any room he walked into.

                You haven't had a real conversation with Loki since your first training day and it almost made you sad. But even though you haven't spoken with him, you could feel his presence watching you, he felt protective and caring and his thoughts were quiet but firm saying nice things about you and bad things about people who accidentally bumped into you or spilled a drink on you clothes. but you didn't know why he wouldn't just talk to you.
I had noticed he was almost blocking me, hiding his thoughts the best he could. I wasn't sure how he was doing it but I didn't mind it. One less voice in my head.


   tonight I was not very tired at all, I'd been in the kitchen cleaning up from the night and when I finally made it down my hallway it was about 12 in the morning . At the end of the hallway I noticed my bedroom door was slightly opened. 'Strange' I swore I closed it. 

       I pushed it open to see Loki. Shirt off and laying in my bed, the moon shining on his face amplifying his already perfect looks. 

        1 hour earlier

Loki was laying in his bed staring at his pale boring ceiling. He just woke up from a nightmare he had about unspeakable things. 'I'm so tired' He thought. He hadn't slept for days and tonight he needed some rest, but of course he couldn't even find salvation in his own dreams.
       Ever since moving to the tower he was treated differently from everyone. He expected it and knew he also deserved it but he was always silenced, alone, and unwanted. This was change for him, since he was royalty. He lived in a castle, grew up a prince, and came from a magical kingdom in a far off land. So he isolated himself, locked himself in a world full of books and Midgardian culture. Thor tried to get him to open up and try to be a part of the team, but Thor didn't understand Loki. 

Thor was naturally charming. He was strong and tall and blonde, the rightful king of Asgard.  Loki was an outcast. He was ignored, different, and Jotun. No one understood his pain, and Loki didn't know how to open up. He was chained in a tortured prison full of people who hated him. 

      The day you walked in he was unsure of your presence. You were beautiful and graceful but  you were also an outcast too. He saw a potential friend, though he would never admit that to anyone. You were soft spoken, and he could tell by your body language that you were greatly uncomfortable. 

Then you walked closer to him until you were just a few inches away. 
                  'Vanilla' He thought.
One of the new scents he discovered while being in Midguard. One he found he loves.

later that night he found you in tears, he'd been listening to that conversation only minutes before you started crying and it seemed it had something to do with who you were on the phone with. Loki had been able to read minds and have magic similar to Stars, before it was taken away from him. but when he reached out to touch Stars face, he was able to read your mind. 

  'his hands were winter,
             and his touch was soft snow'

That phrase made his heart leap, and his cheeks heat up. But he tried not to think about that because for a moment he felt like himself again, Able to be in control and have something just his own to hold on to. But it wasn't his, he wasn't sure why he suddenly gained his abilities back but he loved it.


   He didn't know you could read minds until the next day during your first training, and that's when he realized she could've heard that he might be gaining his ability back and he couldn't let you tell the others. 

So he did what he thought was best, he cornered you and confronted you. But you in his arms he felt hot, and suddenly unsure. He looked at your lips, they were pink like roses and they looked soft. gods how we wanted to...

He disappeared for weeks out of pure embarrassment, how could he ever be around you if you could read minds? She would know everything he was thinking before he even knew it. 
        But his powers never returned again, he only had one other idea of why they suddenly returned. You

So he lingered, hoping to get some sort of taste of himself again just like Star's first day there. But he never did, and instead found himself interested in you. He wasn't sure why because you two haven't really talked but you somehow felt familiar. 

And this leads us to now, his feet moving to Stars room. He begged himself to stop, but his own body betrayed him as he kept stepping forward until he was finally in front of your room. his hand on the door knob turning it slowly. He opened it to find your room dark and empty. 
    He walked all the way into your room until he was finally in front of your bed. 
'I'm so tired' He forgot that he was even in your room now because he felt so safe here, a feeling he couldn't put a name on. He crawled into your bed and his nose was filled with your fragrance and he tried to fight it but his eyes were already closing and before he knew it he had fallen asleep.


     I sat on the edge of the bed admiring Loki's face. I had thought of what to do next. Should I wake him? Why is he here? You thought waking him might be the best idea. Maybe he didn't even know he was in here, maybe it was just a late night and he stumbled into the wrong room. 

I ran my hand through his hair, slightly rubbing his head. 
    "Loki, Loki, wake up. Do you know where you are?" I move my hand away and his eyes open and I watch a small smile change instantly into major embarrassment. 
"Star I'm sorry I don't-" He lifts himself up, one arm holding him up. 
                 "You had a nightmare." I wasn't sure if it was true but That's what I felt like. I could almost envision his nightmare and before he could fully get up I put my hand back into his hair and slightly nudged his head down. "It's okay Loki you can stay, I can help you sleep. Stop the nightmares." He was unsure but you knew he wanted to stay, he actually wanted more than that. 

   "But if you don't want to that's ok-"

"You can read minds can't you." Even in his half-a-sleep state he still had his attitude. 

He laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes again. "I'll be right back Loki." I get up and go to my bathroom bringing clothes I could sleep in. 

In there I had to prepare myself for the events that were going to follow. Yes, I could read his mind and I saw exactly what he wanted me to do. I Changed into a big shirt and some soft black shorts. I walk out to see him at the edge of the bed facing away. 

I get in and move all the way over to him, his back completely against my chest and my arms around his waist. He becomes stiff at first, but thankfully I can read his mind because I know he likes it. To try and make him more comfortable I start to rub my hand on his waist, tracing it up and down as he starts to drift off. With him in your arms and for the first time in a while Loki felt understood. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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